Grade 8 Parents – Information from 8-9 Transition Presentation

by Kevin Davy

This Thursday high school counselors gave a high school transition / course registration presentation. Students have already been met with on two separate occasions covering very similar information.

A video tutorial will be sent to students walking them through the online registration. The registration window is March 14 -20. School Counselors will also be available during Middle School Lunch, positioned at a table to answer any follow up questions during that window.

Below are some links that should be helpful. If your student or yourself have any further questions after looking over the materials. Students can see a counselor in the lunch room or you can look to schedule an appointment with one of the school counselors (Mr. Callahan, Ms. Valenzuela, or Mr. Davy). To do so you should contact Kuhn Mai in the counseling office:

Powerpoint Presentation:
Program of Studies

Some parents where asking for more info about IB and subject pathways. There will be presentations in 9th and 10th grade for this but the link below gives some information:

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