THANK YOU for your Support of IFF!

The ISB Parent and Teacher Auxiliary (ISB-PTA) would like to thank you and all of the tireless volunteers, dedicated ISB staff and enthusiastic IFF attendees for making this amazing fun filled day such a success!

IFF is our largest annual fundraiser and allows the  PTA to continue to offer critical community-enhancing support like Intercultural Day, Staff Appreciation, parent education and social support events, Welcome Wai, student activity and materials grants and MORE.

We are also very proud to support the Arts council by offering them an opportunity to display our student talent on stage. 

IFF is the biggest annual platform for our High School charities to raise awareness and funds in support of their engagement to be global caring citizens.

The Sponsorship Committee would like to thank all our sponsors, published and anonymous. We’d like extend a special mention to our student enterpreneurs and alumni who we are always happy to support as well as all the parents who generously donated gifts and time.

It is people in our community and companies like yours that have made our events such a huge success. This year we mark our 29th anniversary. See you all next year to mark a new milestone!

Click here to see photos of IFF 2018! —>

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