GCW Wrap Up!

Andy Vaughan

After countless hours of planning by teachers, support staff and the companies we partner with throughout GCW, the week is wrapping up for all our High School Students. The first of our overnight trips arrived back into Bangkok last night and the last will land late Saturday night. Our hope is that each of our students will return with new memories that will help them reflect on the different cultures and experiences that they were exposed to, whether it be as close as teaching in a classroom setting at the local Wat Koo school, or experiencing the cultural uniqueness of a small village in Sumatra, the experiences our High School Students have encountered are incredibly rich and varied.

On 6 March each GCW group will meet for the final time and reflect on their trip. Students will hand in their reflections during or prior to this final GCW meeting; please encourage your child to complete this over the next week or two while this experience is fresh in their minds. Over the coming days, please also take the time to discuss the challenges and the highlights from the week that your child has experienced.

Our goal is that there remains a common theme of developing an appreciation of the cultural and environmental richness of our world. Some of our trips are heavy on the service aspect while others build on developing a cultural understanding and environmental appreciation of the destinations each course visits. Our students have interacted with other students whom they may not have known prior to this trip and have been led by teachers whose class they may not have been in; we value these different experiences that our students gain while away from the typical school setting.

At this time I want to thank each of the teachers for extra work that is put in to make this week a success, if you get the chance in the coming week, please do send your child’s GCW teachers a quick email as these go a long way.

Finally, this year we are looking at reviewing the greater purposes of GCW and as part of this we will be sending a survey out in the coming weeks to gather your opinions of how we can develop and improve the program. We look forward to your input into this process.

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students
M: +668 7514 9550

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