‘Disconnect in order to Connect’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

The excitement is certainly in the air this week with GCW now upon us. In fact one of the GCW trips has already started their trip this morning and over the next few days all of the other trips will also leave. I have been excited to read about the many different trips and opportunities that our students are offered during this coming week and I look forward to hearing of their experiences when they all safely return. GCW is undoubtedly a highlight for many, most or even all of the HS students and I encourage them to make the most of this opportunity by slowing down, disconnecting from their phones, social media apps and be ready to enjoy and savour the moments that they will share with their fellow classmates and teachers over the course of the week.

A special thanks to our Dean of Students, Andy Vaughan and to our HS office staff for their tireless efforts in the logistical work in ensuring that each trip is well planned, risk assessments have taken place, airline, bus and hotel bookings are all in hand and for managing the sign up process in the first instance. The trip leaders deserve special advance thanks in looking after the safety and wellbeing of the students in their care, particularly faculty leading overnight trips. Enjoy a week at home without your high schooler being around and remember it is completely ok for them to switch off their phones and disconnect so that they can connect with the environment and others around them this week.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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