ISB Communication Single page view

Bangkok Air Quality

By:  Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

Dear ISB Community, 

As many of us are aware from the media, the current colder weather has contributed to a lack of vertical wind that typically takes polluted air out of Bangkok. As a consequence, Bangkok is experiencing higher than normal pollution readings (please refer to the air quality index for Bangkok linked here).

This morning, readings in Bangkok were high (although improving throughout the day) and as a precaution we ran modified after school athletics & activities to minimize physical exertion.

We regularly monitor the air quality index throughout the day and are poised to react as necessary in the interests of student and community safety. It is possible that recess will take place indoors (or be modified) and that activities/sports are cancelled. We will communicate with parents by email and SMS in these eventualities.

As ISB is located north of the Bangkok city center, we have the benefits of a less densely populated area.  Unfortunately, there are no operational monitoring sites located close to campus to provide more accurate readings. All of the current PM2.5 air pollutant monitors we have access to are located in and around the city center.  

Our Leadership Team is reviewing guidelines produced by the UN, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization as well as policies developed at schools in Asia that regularly face pollution challenges. ISB Air Quality Guidelines will be published as soon as possible.

In addition, we currently have an air quality testing company on campus to perform a 24 hour air sampling.  We will be testing for PM2.5, PM10, CO2, Humidity, and Temperature.   
In conjunction, we are also researching reputable air quality monitoring devices to be used to monitor the air quality on the ISB campus.  These devices will give us a clear reading of air quality on campus and help us make more informed decisions.

We will keep the ISB community updated of all developments. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Next week no late bus services at 5.10 pm.

By: Chanarat (Pu) JIRAVICHAI, Transportation Supervisor

Please be informed that transportation office will not provide late bus services at 5.10 pm. and 4.35 pm. from February 12 to 16, 2018 

Road Safety

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Manager

I want to start off with a huge THANK YOU to our parent volunteers who have been out at the Sports Complex gate and Round-about every morning.  Their efforts have been greatly appreciated and we are seeing a substantial improvement on the overall flow of traffic.  

I understand, that from the individual drivers perspective, it is hard to see that the use of the proper lanes makes a big difference.  But from the big picture view, each individual small step makes an immense difference for everyone.

As a reminder…There is no drop off or pick up allowed at the Sports Complex gate.  This gate is for bicycle and pedestrian entry and exit only.  Vehicles may not stop in this area to let students in or out.  Again, what individuals may see as a benefit to “them” creates an overall safety hazard and inconvenience for the overall school community. 

Thank you for your continued to support.

IASAS CC Showcase

By:  Anthony Giles, PK-12 Arts & Activities Director

IASAS FAD CC Showcase – February 19 & 20 (3:00pm MPB1)

Please join the Debate Teams in MPB1 on Monday, February 19 as they hash out the finer points behind the morality of school uniforms. What’s your opinion on the matter? Are you for or against the wearing of school uniforms? Can you be swayed perhaps? We are expecting a fun filled event with a chance for you, the audience, to participate and and cast judgement to help decide a winner. Then join members of the award winning Forensics Team, also in MPB1, on Tuesday, February 20 as they present their speeches in the categories of Oral Interpretation, Original Oratory, Impromptu, and Extemporaneous. 

IASAS MUSIC CC Showcase – Feb. 21 & 22 (3:00pm HS Choir Room)

The annual IASAS Music Cultural Convention Showcase performances will take place on Wednesday, February 21 and Thursday, February 22.  Selected delegates from the high school vocal, piano, strings and band areas will be performing their individual solos and ensemble selections on these two days, beginning at 3:00 pm in the HS Choir Room.  These performances give our delegates a chance to perform for an ISB audience, and also serves as a warmup to their adjudicated performances that will happen at Taipei in early March. Audience members may come and go between performers as necessary, and a program will be provided as to what day and order delegates will be performing. Come enjoy the incredible talent and skill of our ISB Music Delegates, who have all been working for several months on high quality music preparing for these performances! 

IASAS CC Drama Showcase – February 26 (5:30pm CCT)

DNA by Dennis Kelly – A group of teenagers do something bad. Really bad. And then decide to cover the whole thing up. While some are able to cope with the guilt – and even thrive on the publicity they’ve gained – others crumble and suffer under the weight and trauma of what they’ve done. But with some of the group enjoying the fame, where’s the incentive to put things right? And when their crime comes back to haunt them – do they come clean, or delve in even deeper? A poignant and sometimes funny tale with a very dark heart, DNA is a play you don’t quickly forget…

International School Bangkok’s production of Dennis Kelly’s dark and shocking play DNA raises a number of ethical questions, and provokes the audience into asking themselves: What is more important: telling the truth, or protecting one’s own?

Cast: Anshika Chauhan (Junior), Grace Armstrong (Senior), Jeannie MacRae (Senior), Kaori Hida (Senior), Oscar Zaffar Giles (Senior), Phillip Sund (Junior), RJ O’Connell (Junior) and Sarah Armstrong (Sophomore)

ADVISORY WARNING: Due to the dark subject matter and coarse language, this performance is only suitable for HS students and above.

Get your tickets for the Elementary School Show: The Stonecutter

By: Angela Wong, Elementary Music Specialist

This beautiful folk tale tells the story of a lowly stonecutter who wishes to be ever more powerful, eventually learning that the greatest power is to be content with what he has. Come and enjoy the student interpretation of this story through drama, music and movement.

“The Stonecutter” will run two performances in the Chevron Theater: February 21 at 3:30 and February 22 at 6:30. Tickets will be sold in front of Chevron Theatre at the following times. Ticket prices are 250 baht for adults and 150 baht for students.

Stonecutter Ticket Sales (in front of Chevron Theatre)

Wednesday, February 14: 2-3 pm
Thursday, February 15: 2-3 pm
Friday, February 16: 2-3 pm
Monday, February 19: 2-3 pm

Banner Pan_REVISE 

ISB Community Choir, Choral Union Rehearsal – March 7th, 7pm


Join Andy Marshall and Matt Enders on Wednesday, March 7th at 7:00pm as they lead the first rehearsal of the second semester for the ISB Community Chorus, Choral Union. This season we will prepare for a joint concert with the ISB Panther Choir and Orff Ensemble on May 2nd at 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theatre.  Interested? SIGN UP HERE.  

Join the Pathways Career Fair: March 8th, 2018 – 10am to Noon

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing, Communications and Alumni

The ISB Pathways Program seeks to better connect our students with parents, alumni and friends of ISB who want to their personal experience about their career, company or industry. We are hosting our second Pathways Career Fair and we are asking current professionals or businesses in Thailand to join the panel discussion and fair on March 8th, 10am to noon. It is a chance for you to share your valuable insight and expertise with students who are currently navigating their choices of study and career. Are you interested in being involved? Please register your interest here.  

Pathway and Career Fair

Advanced Photography Show: January 22nd – February 9th, Chevron Foyer

By: Anthony Giles,  PreK – 12 Art & Activities Director

Photography changes everything! Once again our high school students raise the creative bar. The high school fall semester Advanced Photography students will display their projects for the community to enjoy. Please visit the Chevron Foyer between January 22nd and February 9th to immerse yourself in their thoughtful, inspired creations.

Blue flower 1

Operation Smile Toy Drive: Jan 22nd through to Feb 9th

By: Jean Williams

We are collecting toys for Operation Smile from January 22nd through to February 9th. Boxes will be in front of school, near the ISB Panther. Please drop off any toys you no longer use, that are in good condition, and help bring some comfort and joy to the children Operation Smile supports.

Operation Smile logo

ISB eNews Guidelines

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

The ISB eNews provides a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNews guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement:

  • A title for your announcement
  • A contact person and email address for further information
  • Important details such as dates, location, prices, etc

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families. is for PTA announcements of interest to all ISB parents.

Your announcement will be submitted for review. Please note: ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB All-School eNews is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays (or Fridays when necessary). Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNews are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

The PTA eNews are sent out on Tuesdays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Mondays.

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