Bangkok Air Quality

By:  Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

Dear ISB Community, 

As many of us are aware from the media, the current colder weather has contributed to a lack of vertical wind that typically takes polluted air out of Bangkok. As a consequence, Bangkok is experiencing higher than normal pollution readings (please refer to the air quality index for Bangkok linked here).

This morning, readings in Bangkok were high (although improving throughout the day) and as a precaution we ran modified after school athletics & activities to minimize physical exertion.

We regularly monitor the air quality index throughout the day and are poised to react as necessary in the interests of student and community safety. It is possible that recess will take place indoors (or be modified) and that activities/sports are cancelled. We will communicate with parents by email and SMS in these eventualities.

As ISB is located north of the Bangkok city center, we have the benefits of a less densely populated area.  Unfortunately, there are no operational monitoring sites located close to campus to provide more accurate readings. All of the current PM2.5 air pollutant monitors we have access to are located in and around the city center.  

Our Leadership Team is reviewing guidelines produced by the UN, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization as well as policies developed at schools in Asia that regularly face pollution challenges. ISB Air Quality Guidelines will be published as soon as possible.

In addition, we currently have an air quality testing company on campus to perform a 24 hour air sampling.  We will be testing for PM2.5, PM10, CO2, Humidity, and Temperature.   
In conjunction, we are also researching reputable air quality monitoring devices to be used to monitor the air quality on the ISB campus.  These devices will give us a clear reading of air quality on campus and help us make more informed decisions.

We will keep the ISB community updated of all developments. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 



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