‘Panther Pride’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to the HS parents who joined us on Thursday morning at the HS PTA meeting. Parents in attendance heard updates from our new HS PTA representative (Ginny Condra) on a variety of events happening across the school in the months ahead. This included information about the upcoming International Food Festival (IFF) on February 24th (3.30pm – 7.30pm), a Graduation committee update, Booster Hut requests for assistance over the IASAS tournament, details about an upcoming Grade level social gatherings and a reminder that the HS Principal’s Forum has been moved from February 27th to March 13th.

In addition to the PTA updates, Andy Weiser shared news from the College Counselling office, Andy Vaughan reminded parents about communication protocols during the upcoming GCW and Susan Canobie and myself explained and displayed copies of our new report cards and transcripts. We finished the meeting with a senior student panel answering questions and providing a glimpse into life as a senior at ISB. If you would like to see the presentation shared at the meeting please click here. If you wish to visit the parent portal to see your son/daughter’s report card please click on this link

Have a great weekend and best of luck to all of our IASAS teams that are traveling next week and a big reminder to you all to come to school on Thursday/Friday and Saturday to support and cheer on our Basketball teams as we host the IASAS basketball tournament.



Justin Alexander

High School Principal

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