High School Counseling eNews

Andrew Weiser

College Counselors

Monthly College Coffees – Two weeks ago, our monthly college parent coffee focused on US Higher Education. A copy of the presentation can be found at the following linkThe next coffee is on February 19 from 12:30 – 2:00 and is targeted for our Japanese parent community. Our Japanese liaison will be available serve as a translator. 

It’s Time To Schedule The Student Led Junior Conference – During the month of February and March, 11th grade students and their parents will be meeting with college counselors to start planning for life after graduation. Parents or students can schedule this meeting for approximately 1 hour. We prefer that both parents attend this meeting. The Junior Assignment (University Research, Resume, and Parent Perspectives) needs to be completed before this meeting can be scheduled.

University Visits– for a full list of who is coming, please subscribe to the Google Calendar at this link.

School Counselors

Kevin Davy
Grade 9
From time to time students are going to need extra help or clarification in a subject. Students are encouraged first to see their teacher after school. Flex time is 2:25 – 3:20 and nearly all teachers are in their rooms readily available to assist students with their questions. Please encourage your son / daughter to take advantage of this time if they are having difficulties in a subject. In addition, we have a peer-tutoring program where students might be able to get individualized assistance from a peer who has volunteered their services. Students should drop by to see Mr. Callahan in the counseling office if they are interested in either getting help or helping others. Lastly, we do have a list of outside tutors, which is vetted, through our administrative office. If a student needs tutorial beyond the above fore mentioned then our HS front office can be contacted for the most up to date version of tutors offering their services.

Grade 10
It’s been a fast-moving three weeks and the 10th graders seem to be all settled in their second – semester classes.  Soon, on February 5th, they will be asked to think carefully about their course selections for the coming school year.  We will take time to explain the IB Diploma Program, a program with IB Certificates, and graduation requirements, to help students get a good idea of what their schedules and programs will look like in their junior and senior years.  The students will then make a draft of their possible choices; the counselors will keep one copy and the students will have one to bring home to show you. Take a look with them; it will be a draft schedule – they will still have over a month before they will actually register for their 11th grade classes.  Hopefully with some careful thought and discussion, your sons and daughters will have the perfect fit of classes for their final two years at ISB.

Grade 11
A copy of the Junior College Night presentation can be accessed here. If you still do not have access to Naviance, please contact your student’s counselor.

Junior Conferences start next week! This is a meeting with the student, their counselor, and both of their parents to start outlining the college application process based on the individual needs of students and their families. Students should schedule these during their free period. Please speak to your Junior about scheduling these sooner rather than later. 

Finally, if you haven’t turned in your Parent Perspectives, we’d appreciate your doing so as soon as possible. 


Grade 12
As graduation nears, we wanted to remind you of a few resources we have in our counseling library as your student transitions to their next stage of life.

  • The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition by Tina Quick
  • The iConnected Parent by Barbara Hofer
  • Emotional Resilience and the Ex-Pat Child by Julia Simens
  • Letting Go by Karen Coburn

You are welcome to stop by and check out any one of these books (and more).

Two weeks ago we hosted an alumni fair.  Nine ISB graduates returned to share their wisdom and experience with students.  It was definitely an enlightening and fun conversation for those in attendance.

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