MS Principal’s Forum

by Dennis Harter

This week we hosted the MS Principal’s Forum. Please see the video below (it cuts off at the very end, but we were near finished at that stage).

In addition to the topics covered in the video, one question surfaced leading up to the forum that can be answered in writing. The question was around the conflict of times for MS after school activities. 

MS activities tend to run on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. This is due to facility and faculty constraints. On these three days, facilities for sports and activities are available to MS students from 2:30 until 3:40 pm, while high school programs start officially at 3:40 pm. On Fridays, the high school starts earlier, immediately at 2:30, in order to be done earlier on Fridays and get students on the road on the busiest of traffic days. On Tuesdays, all teachers are in professional development meetings with their schools, colleagues, and/or teammates. This dedicated time means that coaches are not available to work with student on Tuesdays until after 3:30, which means that MS activities can’t really run on Tuesdays.

The conflict that arises with only 3 days for MS Athletics and Activities is that many will run at the same time. Unfortunately, this forces students to make some choices each season, about what they want to participate in. While we would love to offer even more than we do, the reality of teacher and facility access forces some conflicts and therefore some difficult choices.

The following is the video captured from the MS Principal’s Forum from November 7, 2017.

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