King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Royal Cremation Ceremony – Important Information

Dear Parents,

As you are all aware, Thailand is about to experience a very historic event with the final preparations under way for the Royal Cremation Ceremony of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The ceremonies will run from October 25-29. The actual cremation ceremony will be held at Sanam Luang across from the Grand Palace on October 26. This is a very sad time for Thai people and the cremation will draw hundreds of thousands of Thai people to participate in this historic ceremony.

Merit-making ceremony at ISB:
On Friday, October 20th, 2017, the Thai PTA is organizing a Buddhist merit-making ceremony dedicated to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Everyone is welcome to attend. The ceremony will be held in the Chevron Theater from 7:00am-8:30am. From 6:45am, will be an opportunity for the community to give offerings (Tak Baat) of dried food to the monks in front of the Chevron Theater.

Road Closures and Other Information:
Please also find these helpful links with more information about the ceremony, possible road closures and more.

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