IASAS Soccer – Volunteers Needed

ISB is among the six schools included in the Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asia Schools also known as IASAS. The other five schools in Southeast Asia include: International School Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), International School Manila (ISM), Singapore American School (SAS), Taipei American School (TAS) and Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS).

IASAS events enhance academics, sports, fine and performing arts activities and intercultural opportunities. Students at ISB participate in IASAS activities that include Dance, Drama, MUN, Math, Visual Arts, Cultural Conventions (FAD, ADDT, Music) as well as Sport Exchanges and Tournaments (Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Track and Field, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Rugby and Volleyball).

ISB is hosting IASAS Soccer! Booster Club’s involvement includes setting up the Spirit Tent so we once again are calling on the ISB community for support! If you are able to volunteer for the upcoming IASAS Soccer tournament (October 12-14) please sign up HERE.

Chantal Bremner


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