So what’s my MS kid eating while at school?

By Tico OmsMS Dean of Students

G6 and G7 students have just completed a Wellness unit on nutrition. Students learned the importance of making healthy decisions regarding what they eat and drink. As part of their lessons, their teachers took them to the cafeteria to show students how they can easily make nutritious choices at our school.

To be successful at school, sleep and nutritious foods are primary factors. Healthy choices support kids in how to stay focused, contribute to lessons, and manage the expectation in the classroom both socially and academically. The challenge for parents is how to support children in making healthy choices when they are not around you.

ISB prides itself in the partnership we create with families. Our health classes have taught students about proper nutrition. You can support our work by checking what foods your child orders while in school and helping them make healthy choices.

Checking what foods kids eat at school is easy. From the parent portal, click on campus card.

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Log in. Both your user name and password are primary parent/caregiver’s school ID number (usually the father’s ID number).

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You can look up your child’s eating habits through Card Activity Report. Click on Reports to get a pull-down menu. Then click on Card Activity Report.

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Select which child’s purchasing history you’d like to see, the date range for the report, and whether you’d like to see the report on your screen or to print out.

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The report will look something like this:

Nutrition 5

Please use this information to have thoughtful conversations with your children about the value of healthy eating.





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