MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Sign-up

by Dennis Harter

Once again, we are looking forward to engaging in conversation with you about your child’s learning next week on Thursday and Friday, October 5th and 6th. On these days, school will not be in session for students. We strongly encourage that your child accompany you to the conferences to meet with the teachers, as they can provide insight into and learn from the feedback.

Once again, we will use the “arena” format for conferences. This means that all MS teachers will be in one venue and parents will attend a single long session, during which they can see all of their child’s teachers. Conferences will take place in the sports complex near the 50 m pool, with tables, chairs, and refreshments set up for this purpose.


We require that parents sign up for sessions of 2 hour blocks. These blocks will have limits on the number representing a grade level to ensure that teachers have time to see everyone in the block and that parents aren’t waiting in lines too long. Both Thursday and Friday will have three of these blocks each with short breaks built in for teachers to re-energize after all that talking! The short breaks also allow our teacher-parents to quickly attend their own child’s conferences.

Please follow this link to access the “Pick a Time” site, which handles the conference bookings. If you are new to the system, you will have to create an account. If you used it last year, you can enter your username and password. If you’ve forgotten your password, click “Forgot Password.”

Parents should sign up for one 2 hour block. If you have more than one child in the MS and would like to see both sets of teachers in the same block, please book twice in the same block, once per child. This will ensure that block doesn’t get too crowded and it will rightly hold spots for each child separately.

It is best to arrive at the start of the session. If you arrive later in the block, you may not be able to see all the teachers you want to see. We have built in some limited time at the ends of sessions to handle continuing conversations, however, teacher breaks need to be taken.

Instructions for using the “Pick a Time” booking system can be found here.

Grades will be updated by the end of the week in PowerSchool, which should give you a picture of how your child is faring in her or his classes. With focused conversations on your child’s learning at the conferences, a few minutes with each teacher can provide an accurate picture of how your child is progressing. We have directed our teachers – and ask you – to spend no more than 5 minutes per conference as a courtesy to those waiting.

If you have a conversation that would require more time than that, or that would require more privacy, an appointment for another day is advised.

Due to some festival conflicts, the following teachers will not be available:

  • Mr. Assimakopoulos – not available Thursday or Friday
  • Ms. Harison-Denby – not available Thursday or Friday
  • Mr. Marshall – available Thursday; not Friday
  • Mr. Giles – available Thursday; not Friday

Please contact them separately if you would like to speak with them about how your child is doing.

Sessions for MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

Thursday, October 5th

  • Session 1: 7:10 to 9:10
  • Session 2: 9:30 to 11:30
  • Session 3: 12:30 to 14:30

Friday, October 6th

  • Session 1: 7:10 to 9:10
  • Session 2: 9:40 to 11:30
  • Session 3: 12:15 to 14:00


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