MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences, Sign up next week

by Dennis Harter

Middle School hosts Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on October . We will use the arena format, in which teachers will all be stationed in the New Sports Complex gym and parents will sign up for a long session to see their child’s teachers. While this format can be a bit chaotic, it allows you access to all the teachers in a timely manner. 

You’ll notice that we include students in the conference. We strongly encourage students to join the conferences so to promote conversations between parents and students about the learning feedback they receive.

To help manage the wait time, we limit the number of sign-ups in any one session. While this might mean you don’t get your first choice of sessions to attend, please understand that this helps ensure that you don’t spend too much time waiting in lines when you are in the room.

Sign-ups for sessions will open in the coming week, with a special email coming to parents with the sign-up link and information on how to sign up.

Please note that ahead of conferences, teachers will ensure that HAL and Attainment grades are up to date.


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