High School Counseling eNews

Andrew Weiser

School Counselors

We hope students enjoy this activity free long weekend and spend time with family and friends as well as catch up on any work.

College Counselors
On Wednesday, October 11, all 11th grade students will take the PSAT. College counselors gave students a PSAT booklet with more information on August 28 during Junior Seminar. if students have questions, they should see their college counselor. As a reminder, students do not need to do anything to prepare for this.

If a student is an IB Diploma candidate AND will ONLY apply to Australia, Canada, the UK, or other countries in Europe, they may opt out and not take this test. However, they can only opt out by completing an opt out form. These forms are due ASAP to the counseling office.

Next week will be another busy week of college visits.  Both parents and students are invited to these visits. For a full list of who is coming, please subscribe to the Google Calendar at this link.  Also, a reminder that a large worldwide College Fair will be held on Saturday, September 23, 3:45pm at the Shangri-La Hotel. Students must register in advance at: cois.org/bangkokfair2017. A list of universities in attendance can also be found at the link.

College Counselors will be attending the EARCOS/CIS Conference here in Bangkok on Friday and Saturday (Sept. 22, 23). along with 155 colleges and universities worldwide (see link above for College Fair).

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