Global Citizenship Week (GCW) Registration Begins Next Monday

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents,

Registration for the annual Global Citizenship Week courses begins next Monday, 25 Sept at 7:00pm for Seniors and for Juniors on Thursday 28 Sept at 7:00pm.

To find out more about all the courses offered as part of this year’s GCW week, you can either go to the ISB website at this link:, or you can go direct to the  2017-18 GCW Handbook at this link.

We strongly encourage that prior to your child registering for GCW, that you have clear conversations regarding both cost and experience, as there are some essential requirements for all students as they register for courses. If your child registers for a course, then later change courses, they will be moved to local low cost courses.

Important guidelines:

  • Students must register via the online registration site (this is sent to students on the day of their registration). 
  • Students are required to complete a Category 1 (in Thailand) course before they graduate (Note: Internships do not count as Category 1)
  • Students may only select a Category 3 (outside Asia) course if previously completed Category 1 (in Thailand).
  • Students will be asked to register listing courses by preference. If one choice is full, we will try to place each student in the next course in order. We cannot guarantee that students will be placed in their top choice, but we try to accommodate each students top three picks
  • Students should communicate with parents before registering. Any changes after registration will result in students moving to the end of lists or to low cost local courses.
  • Students and parents will receive an email to their school account confirming their registrations, this may go to their SPAM folder. 
  • Students should register online using their ISB username and password. Students also need to log out of all other Google Accounts before registering.


Registration is by grade level prioritised as follows:

  • First Priority Selection: Grade 12
    Monday, September 25, Online registration window opens 7:00 pm.
    Tuesday, September 26, Online registration window closes 12:00 pm.
  • Second Priority Selection: Grade 11
    Thursday, September 28, Online registration window opens 7:00 pm.
    Friday, September 29, Online registration window closes 12:00 pm.
  • Third Priority Selection: Grade 10
    Monday, October 2, Online registration window opens 7:00 pm.
    Tuesday, October 3, Online registration window closes 12:00 pm.
  • Fourth Priority: Grade 9
    ThursdayOctober 4, Online registration window opens 7:00 pm.
    Friday, October 5, Online registration window closes 12:00 pm.
  • Fifth Priority: Students without registration assigned
    October 9-10, any student who has not selected a course will be assigned to available courses.

Trips are categorised as Service or Cultural or both. Freshman and Sophomores, are required to complete a service trip as one of their first two GCW trips. For Juniors and Seniors, service trips can be part of their CAS reflections. 

For new students who wish to find out more about GCW, there was an information session last Wednesday at lunch, if your child missed this, please direct them to see Andy Vaughan directly. For all Freshman, there will be a GCW Freshman Seminar Session on 27/28 September in time for their registrations the following week.

Finally, this year we will be starting a review process for the GCW program. From the initial feedback that we have received it is unlikely that category 3 trips (Tanzania, Australia and New Zealand) will continue to run next year. This is being openly shared incase this effects this year’s choices.

I hope you enjoy reading through the options available for your child for this year and please mark your calendars for the sign-up dates and times above!

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