Congratulations Cross Country!

Derrick Quinet

ISB hosted the second annual Thailand Cross Country Invitational last weekend in Kanchanburi. The boys team put together an impressive team effort to bring home the championship for the second year in a row.  The race came down to ISB vs. TAS, and Dalton Lazich ran a phenomenal race, smashing 20 minutes to beat out the TAS 5th man that earned ISB the title. 

ISB was led by an outstanding second place overall finish by Will Condra, who covered the challenging course in 17:54. Jackson Carroll ran a gritty 18:35 to finish 6th overall.  Sophomore Julian John grew wings and cracked the top ten with a 9th place finish and a time of 19:00.  Juan Bello was tight on his heels, finishing 14th with a gutsy 19:23.

To see the full results please click here.

Special thanks to friends and family who made the trip up here to support our crew and cheer them on to victory. 

The ISB girls also represented themselves well at this year’s Thailand Invitational.  The Panthers took fifth place out of ten schools on beautiful weekend in Kanchanburi.  It was an encouraging performance by our team, and we are very proud of our Panthers!

ISB was led by Satsuki Omura who took 16th overall with a time of 24:40.  Yumi Arashida and Kana Takechi took 28th and 29th with Yui Musha close behind in 31st place.  Imogen Alexander was our 5th scoring runner in 34th place. There were many smiles after our race, and the team is inspired for the upcoming BISAC and IASAS championships!

Go Panthers!

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