Wild Panthers Outdoor Education Information

by Dennis Harter

On Monday evening we hosted another parent information evening for our Wild Panthers Outdoor Education program. Elliott Bowyer, Director of the Program, shared safety and curricular information with parents, highlighting the careful thought that has gone into every aspect of this terrific learning program. A video of the evening’s presentation (53 minutes) can be found below.

This week, I joined the group of grade 8 students on the Wild Panthers trip, to see the learning in action. I am so glad I went! The instructors and team have created a well-thought out learning program, focused both on outdoor skills and on the development of key attributes for success, like leadership, teamwork, problem solving, and adaptability. 


Students engaged in classroom learning combined with on the water fieldwork to apply their learning in new situations. Students persevered through challenges and learn about themselves and others.

For more information about the complete program, packing lists, and more visit our Outdoor Ed main page.

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