Anthony Giles
Call for High School Submissions
This coming May, the preK-12 Visual Arts department will be hosting an exhibition in the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre (BACC), curated around the theme of COLOUR.
To be part of this exciting venture, high school students are are invited to submit up to three artworks for selection.
Fitting a school context, the artworks submitted can represent subject matter and intentions of your own choosing.
Important Information:
- Artworks submitted must be two dimensional (flat; photography, painting, drawing, mixed media etc.), and be based around oneof the following colours: green, blue, indigo, violet or white.
- A completed submission form must accompany each submitted artwork. Submission forms can be collected from Mr. Madden or Mr. Tahan.
- Finished artworks must be submitted to Maddenor Mr. Tahan no later than Monday December 4th.
- The selection of works for exhibition is open to the discretion of the teacher/s.
Anthony Giles
PK-12 Arts & Activities Director