ISB Communication Single Page View

Join the Panther Charity Run #2 – this Saturday, September 9th 6.45am

By: Derrick Quinet, Athletics Director

ISB’s Panther Charity Run #2 is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 9 and will start at 7:15am sharp by the track. Please arrive by 6:45 to ensure time to check-in and warmup.

Please enter your details below to register. Cost is 200 Baht for Adults, 100 for Students. All proceeds will go to Operation Smile. Don’t miss this great community event!

Register here: Panther Run #2

Massed Band Festival Concert – this Saturday, September 9th, 2pm

By: Anthony Giles,  Arts & Activities Director

ISB is once again hosting the annual Mass Band Festival involving over 200 students from multiple international schools around the region and featuring guest conductor, Mr. Allen Slater, of Kalispell, Montana, USA. Join us on September 9 at 2:00pm in the Chevron Theatre for a free concert highlighting some of the finest literature for wind bands written today.

massed band


IRONKIDS THAILAND @ ISB on this Sunday 10 September – Campus Access Restricted in Morning!

By: Bob Connor, Assistant Athletics Director

To All ISB families:  Please note that the campus front gate will be closed to all cars/golf carts/motorized vehicles, from 7:00am – 9:30am on this coming Sunday morning. There will be IRONKIDS races taking place at both swimming pools, and also around the school roads-fields-playgrounds for the running sections of the event. Additionally, for your reference – the biking course for the event will take place mainly around the Nichada Lake, with participants staying on the left side of the road at all times. They will start and finish at the Sports Complex gate. Thank you for your understanding and support of this special event!




PTA Adult Education Program is just around the corner! 

By: Dawn Baker, ISB Adult Education Coordinator

Online registration begins Monday, September 11th.

Do you enjoy cooking?  Learn to make Indian food, Cajun food, Israeli food, French bakery treats and much more!  Do you like to explore your creative side?  Try painting, jewelry making, or join the all new Community Choir!  Are you working on your fitness?  We have tennis lessons, yoga, and even Bollywood Dance!  Maybe you’d like to learn a new language.  Beginner Japanese and Thai lessons at all levels are waiting for you! 

Anyone can sign up for classes.  You don’t need to be an ISB parent…teachers and friends are also welcome. 

The course catalog is available now with over 30 classes to choose from!  Check it out today, and visit the link again starting on Monday to register:

We look forward to seeing you in classes starting this October!  

 PTA Adult Education

Panther Rugby Academy Starts Next Week!

By: Bob Connor, Assistant Athletics Director

Rugby is a game that has a place for students of all shapes and sizes where success is only achieved through collective team effort. With this basic principal of team spirit at its core, the Panther Rugby Academy program is designed to develop the basic fundamental rugby skills of catching, passing, tackling and running. In addition, students will be coached on basic set-piece play with an emphasis on sevens rugby. Regarding opportunities for competition, we will look to arrange seven-a-side games against other schools/clubs to enable students to test their newly acquired skills. 

There will be three age groups in the first “season” – U9/U11 combined, U13, and U19. Please go to this link for all information regarding days/times and fees. We look forward to having you join our Rugby program!

Write your article for the next PTA “Touchstone” Issue – Deadline: September 20th

By: Gunjan Mullick

A kind reminder that the deadline for submissions for the next TouchStone issue is September 20th. Please consider submitting an article in line with one of the topics below. We look forward to receiving your entry!


By: ISB Health Clinic

Over the last week we have noticed an increase in students being diagnosed with influenza. We want to make sure parents are aware of the symptoms. Please read the information below and keep your children at home if they are unwell to help prevent influenza spreading throughout the school. Influenza is highly contagious and it is essential we have cooperation from all ISB families to isolate those who potentially have the infection to limit the spread.  Influenza vaccination for the 2017/18 season is currently available at the Bumrungrad Nichada Clinic.

How influenza is spread?

Influenza virus is spread when someone with influenza coughs or sneezes, producing airborne droplets that come into contact with another person. Droplets can be spread through the air. Infection may also be spread by contact with hands, tissues and other articles soiled by infected nose and throat discharges.


  • rapid onset of fever
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • fatigue
  • sneezing
  • running nose
  • sore throat
  • a cough.
  • may have nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain

Most people recover within a week, although the cough and fatigue may last longer. Influenza is much more serious than the common cold. It can lead to pneumonia (lung infection or inflammation) and other complications, and even death.

Once you are exposed to the influenza virus it is an average of 2 days for seasonal influenza (range 1 to 4 days) before you get symptoms.   You are usually contagious from 1 day before onset of symptoms until 7 days after the onset of symptoms.


Most people recover with rest, drinking plenty of fluids and use of paracetamol/acetaminophen for the relief of pain and fever.

If the influenza virus is detected on throat/nasal swab. Antiviral medication can be given. This should be started within 48 hours of the onset of the illness and may decrease the duration and the severity of the illness. The entire course of the antiviral medication should be taken.

It is important that children are able to recover fully prior to returning to school otherwise they will relapse and risk spreading the infection to their peers. They should be fever free without medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school.

If your child is diagnosed with influenza please notify the Health Clinic. They will then need to present a medical certificate to the Health Clinic stating they are fit to return to school and no longer contagious prior to going to class (this can be the medical certificate from initial diagnosis with the dates of exclusion from school written on it).

When to seek medical advice

Seek medical advice if:

  • you are concerned about the symptoms
  • symptoms are getting worse
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • confusion
  • inability to keep liquids down because of vomiting
  • symptoms of dehydration (such as being dizzy when standing or passing much less urine than normal).
  • If you want to see if antiviral medications will help.


  • If children are unwell they should stay away from school until there has been no fever for 24 hours (without using a fever reducing medicine such as paracetamol/acetaminophen).
  • Wash hands as soon as possible after sneezing or coughing and after contact with nose and throat discharges or articles soiled by these. Use soap and water or an alcohol based hand rub.
  • Wipe down all frequently touched surfaces regularly with a cleaning cloth dampened with detergent, or a large alcohol wipe.
  • Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or your arm, not with your hand. Drop used tissues immediately into a rubbish bin, then wash your hands.
  • Flu vaccines reduce the risk of getting severe influenza. Influenza vaccination is required every year as the influenza virus is constantly changing and each year the influenza vaccines are altered to provide protection against the strains that are circulating.
  • Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for anyone 6 months of age or older who wishes to reduce the likelihood of becoming ill with influenza.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (


New Phone Numbers for Bumrungrad Hospital

By:  Sally Plomley

On September 8 2017 Bumrungrad Hospital will be changing their phone numbers. For ambulance/Emergency Department call 02 011 5222. For general enquiries/appointments call 02 066 8888. The Bumrungrad Nichada Clinic phone number will remain the same (02 960 4216)

CPR / first aid training for parents

By: Scott H. van Doren

The PTA is facilitating a half day CPR / first aid training for parents. The training does not only cover life threatening situations but others like how to handle cases of unconsciousness, serious bleeding, shock, spinal injury, snake bites and choking. Parents will also learn about day to day smaller injuries like how to properly clean and treat a minor wound – cover them or leave uncovered, bloody noses, minor burns, minor head injuries/cuts, muscle sprains, falls from bicycles, etc.. AEC instruction and practice will also be included.

The training is led by a certified trainer and received a very positive evaluation from the participants last year. For more details, please read this info sheet.

Location: ISB

Dates:Wednesday September 20th, 8am to 1pm or Saturday September 30th, 9am to 2 pm (please choose one date)

Costs: 2500 baht per person. 

Please contact Scott H. van Doren of First Aid Thailand for more information or sign up directly at

ISB PTA CPR and First Aid Workshop 



New Phone Numbers for Bumrungrad Hospital

By:  Sally Plomley

On September 8 2017 Bumrungrad Hospital will be changing their phone numbers. For ambulance/Emergency Department call 02 011 5222. For general enquiries/appointments call 02 066 8888. The Bumrungrad Nichada Clinic phone number will remain the same (02 960 4216)

Welcome Wai’s Coffee With Heart on Sept 13th

By:PTA – Welcome Wai 

The Welcome Wai team will be hosting our September coffee themed “Coffee With Heart” on Sept 13th from 7.45 to 9.30 am at the MPB 1 room (top of zig zag). This coffee event highlights on what our community has to offer and what’s good for your HEART — both in spirit & body. Come and join us for a fun morning! 

WelcomeWai Sept








Korean Community Annual Meeting : Monday, September 11th

By: Sunmin Park, Korean PTA

We are pleased to invite all Korean parents to the annual meeting. It will be held on Monday, September 11th from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the MPB 1&2.

This is a great opportunity to gain useful information regarding the new school year. We hope to see you all there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact to us.

Bangkok All-Stars Tournament Baseball Teams – Tryouts: 17th September!

By: Andy Minckler

The Bangkok All-Stars are travel and tournament baseball teams, with 4 age groups:  U10s, U12s, U14s and U18s.  Teams are very competitive and kids from all over Bangkok are eligible.  Tryouts are mandatory and will be held on Sunday 17th September at ISB fields.  See below schedule and the attached flyer for the age cut-off dates and information about the program.   Players selected for this team will be required to participate in local and overseas tournaments, as well as attending mandatory practices each week.  Registration in the BBSA is also required, but the commitment to play on these teams is over and above participation in the BBSA. Not all teams may travel overseas this year, so please consult the Head Coach for details.

Bangkok All-Stars Tryout Schedule 
Date Time Field Team
Sunday, 17 Sep 9:00am to 10:30am B Field U10
Sunday, 17 Sep 11:00am to 12:30pm B Field U12
Sunday, 17 Sep 1:30pm to 3:00pm C Field (Reinsch) U14
Sunday, 17 Sep 3:30pm to 5:00pm C Field (Reinsch) U18

At the tryout, make sure your son wears proper attire and brings their own baseball glove.  Bats and all other equipment will be provided.  Cleats are recommended, but please also bring a pair of sneakers / trainers in case of rain – we will use indoor facilities if it rains, and cleats are not allowed indoors.  Having your own water bottle is also recommended, though water will be provided at the fields.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email the appropriate Head Coach contact as provided in the flyer. 

See you on the diamond!
Andy Minckler

Bangkok All-Stars

BKK All Stars 2017-2018


Top Flight Basketball Academy

By: Top Flight Team

We are back for a new and exciting year at The Top Flight Basketball Academy!

 After an absolutely amazing summer of camps, tournaments, and clinics, we are very excited to return for another great season at ISB.

 The Weekend Academy is perfect for both beginners and experienced players. We make sure that each one of our students receives the necessary attention to ensure they have a challenging and fun experience.

Weekend Academy training will be held on Saturdays in the New Sports Complex. We have some great new programs planned for students of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to Elite Level players, it should be a great year. Please see the season schedule and a brief description below.

 Top Flight Weekend Academy at ISB beginning September 9, 2017

 Season 1 Schedule:

 Saturdays beginning September 9, 2017

9:30 am -10:30 am  Mini Flyers ages 3-5

10:30 am-12:00pm Cadets ages 6-12

Sundays beginning September 10, 2017

 Top Flight 3 on 3 Developmental Basketball League (The D-League)

13:00-14:30 TF D-League Boys & Girls Ages 10-12 

15:00-16:30 Boys and Girls ages 13-15

16:30-18:00  Boys and Girls Ages 16-18 

Top Flight

top flight 1 

For any questions or inquiries please contact us at

ISB eNews Guidelines

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

The ISB eNews provides a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNews guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement:

  • A title for your announcement
  • A contact person and email address for further information
  • Important details such as dates, location, prices, etc

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families. is for PTA announcements of interest to all ISB parents.

Your announcement will be submitted for review. Please note: ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB All-School eNews is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays (or Fridays when necessary). Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNews are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

The PTA eNews are sent out on Tuesdays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Mondays.

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