CPR / first aid training for parents

By: Scott H. van Doren

The PTA is facilitating a half day CPR / first aid training for parents. The training does not only cover life threatening situations but others like how to handle cases of unconsciousness, serious bleeding, shock, spinal injury, snake bites and choking. Parents will also learn about day to day smaller injuries like how to properly clean and treat a minor wound – cover them or leave uncovered, bloody noses, minor burns, minor head injuries/cuts, muscle sprains, falls from bicycles, etc.. AEC instruction and practice will also be included.

The training is led by a certified trainer and received a very positive evaluation from the participants last year. For more details, please read this info sheet.

Location: ISB

Dates: Wednesday September 20th, 8am to 1pm or Saturday September 30th, 9am to 2 pm (please choose one date)

Costs: 2500 baht per person. 

Please contact Scott H. van Doren of First Aid Thailand for more information or sign up directly at firstaidthailand@gmail.com.

ISB PTA CPR and First Aid Workshop 


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