Grade Level Coordinators Needed

We still need Grade Level Coordinators! High School is covered, but for Middle School we still need help with Grade 8, and for Elementary School only 5 of 34 positions are filled

Any parent can become a class or grade rep and you can indeed share the role. Being a class rep means that you are involved with the PTA and the school community. The role will vary from class to class, grade to grade.

Some of the tasks requested of the class / grade rep are:

  1. Act as a liaison between the teachers, parents and the PTA Board.
  2. Assist teachers when requested to.
  3. Provide feedback to the PTA Board from parents and students.
  4. Introduce yourself via email to parents.
  5. Maintain a class / grade list, set up a Whatsapp group to help socialize and communicate appropriate PTA and school news to parents.
  6. Introduce yourself to new parents via email and in person when possible and then to the class / grade community via Whatsapp group and social gatherings.
  7. Encourage attendance of PTA and School events and activities.

A good way to start each semester would be to organize a class coffee morning or evening drinks, providing the opportunity for the parents to get to know each other. As we are a very transient community it would be nice to have at least two socials every semester, so as to provide new parents an opportunity to meet existing ones. After which you can organize as many socials as your group would like.

You are not expected to act as a problem solver on academic or social issues. Please direct parents to the class teacher or relevant Principal.

The PTA Grade Level Coordinator is KJ (Kjellaug) Bakkejord.

Please contact her on or



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