High School Counseling eNews


School Counselors

Students are settling into their classes and seem to be adjusting well.  Schedule changes were finalized last Friday.  As always you are welcome to email or make an appointment to meet with your child’s school counselor if you have any questions or concerns.

We are keenly aware that the recent flooding in Texas, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal may have impacted some of our ISB families. If your child is in need of counseling support please let us know so that we can reach out.  Further, as a reminder to you and your family, if at anytime there is an “event” that occurs in your community and you are concerned about your student’s emotional wellbeing, please contact their school counselor. 

College Counselors

It was great to see all Seniors and their parents this past week at Senior College Night. A copy of the evening’s presentation can be found here at this link. All Seniors should have scheduled at least one appointment with their college counselor by now.

Upcoming events:

  1. Common App Registration workshop Monday during lunch/Panther Block
  2. UCAS Registration workshop Friday during Panther Block
  3. Large worldwide College Fair Saturday, September 23, 3:45pm at the Shangri-La Hotel. Register in advance at: org/bangkokfair2017

College Counselors also met with 11th grade students this past week to introduce ourselves and the program of support for students throughout the year.

College Visits to ISB and Bangkok – MANY representatives have started scheduling visits to ISB. Parents are invited to subscribe to the Google Calendar of visits at: https://sites.google.com/a/isb.ac.th/isb-hs-university-advising/university-visit-calendar

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