ISB Communication single page view

First Friday with Andy

By: Dr. Andrew Davies, Head of School

The first “First Friday with Andy” for this school year will take place on Friday 1st September at 8:00am in the Orange Room (near the admissions office).

“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary; simply come and participate if you are free and interested.

MAP Assessments

By: Graeme Scott, Deputy Head of School for Learning

Dear Parents,

In the coming weeks, children in grades 3-8 will participate in MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessmentsMAP is an assessment produced by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and is the largest standardized assessment of its type in the US.  It is done on a computer and each test adapts to the student’s previous answers, so if they answer a question correctly, a more challenging question is presented.  If they answer incorrectly, a simpler question follows.

MAP is a standardized test and is only one of many different types of assessment that we use to determine student learning progress. Children do not all learn in the same way, so any standardized assessment needs to be viewed only in conjunction with a range of other learning data. We get the most accurate picture of a student’s progress by using a variety of learning evidence including everyday ongoing assessments, learning conversations with students, ongoing formative assessment (assessment that helps us design more appropriate subsequent learning experiences) and short quizzes.

MAP also measures your child’s achievement level compared to other students who have taken this test, and measures academic growth over time in the areas of mathematics and reading.  However, the student sample is drawn from US public and private schools, not international schools.  The test does not cover all academic skills, nor does it cover such areas as physical, artistic, or interpersonal skills. Parents will gain a more complete picture of student performance by looking at this test alongside a variety of classroom work samples and other assessments over a period of time.

For further information, please visit the website


Join the ISB Careers Day, September 7th

By: Anthony Giles, Arts and Activities Director

The ISB Pathways Program seeks to better connect our students with alumni and friends of ISB, who are making a difference through their work in the real world. Through Pathways, we are hoping to develop a bank of contact information for individuals with a variety of career experiences for our students to be able to reach out to, collaborate with and learn from. ISB has offered successful career internship programs for years and career resources through our counselling department but Pathways provides a chance for us to expand our efforts and better utilize our extensive network of alumni, parents and partner businesses to better serve our students.

As the first initiative of this program, ISB is hosting a Pathways Career Day and we are asking current professionals or businesses in Thailand to host a table on September 7, 2017. We will have two sessions on the day, one for students and one during our Parent Open House for students and parents. It is a chance to promote your company and your programs but also to share your experiences and expertise with students who are currently navigating their choices of study and career.

Please register your interest in supporting this initiative here.

Thank you for your consideration of this.


ISB Welcomes Leicester City Academy – Friday Match!

By: Derrick Quinet, Athletics Director

The varsity boys soccer team will challenge the international academy team from Leicester City, who are out on tour, this Friday at 3:30pm on the main field. This should be an exciting, high-quality match that you won’t want to miss. Come out and support our boys, this Friday!


Massed Band Festival September 8-9, 2017

By: Anthony Giles,  Arts & Activities Director

Massed Band Festival September 8-9, 2017

ISB is once again hosting the annual Mass Band Festival involving over 200 students from multiple international schools around the region and featuring guest conductor, Mr. Allen Slater, of Kalispell, Montana, USA. Join us on September 9 at 2:00pm in the Chevron Theatre for a free concert highlighting some of the finest literature for wind bands written today.

massed band








IRONKIDS THAILAND @ ISB – Volunteers Needed !!

By: Bob Connor, Assistant Athletics Director

ISB will be hosting Ironkids Thailand on the morning of Sunday 10 September. We are in need of parent/teacher volunteers to help with the races. Please contact Bob Connor ( if you can volunteer to support this exciting event!

Thank you!









Go Panthers!

By: Derrick Quinet, Athletics Director

 Keep up with all the exciting ISB sports news, games, and celebrations this year online on Facebook and Instagram! You can view all the upcoming games on the website, here:

Follow the ISB Varsity Council as they highlight our student-athletes and recognize our outstanding teams on Instagram: isbathletics, and keep your eyes on the ISB Facebook page for updates, photos, video and more!

Korean Community Annual Meeting : Monday, September 11th

By: Sunmin Park, Korean PTA

We are pleased to invite all Korean parents to the annual meeting. It will be held on Monday, September 11th from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the MPB 1&2.

This is a great opportunity to gain useful information regarding the new school year. We hope to see you all there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact to us.


Welcome Wai’s Coffee With Heart on Sept 13th

By:PTA – Welcome Wai 

The Welcome Wai team will be hosting our September coffee themed “Coffee With Heart” on Sept 13th from 7.45 to 9.30 am at the MPB 1 room (top of zig zag). This coffee event highlights on what our community has to offer and what’s good for your HEART — both in spirit & body. Come and join us for a fun morning! 

WelcomeWai Sept 13 Welcome wai










By: Andy Minckler


Dear Parents,

The Bangkok All-Stars are travel and tournament baseball teams, with 4 age groups:  U10s, U12s, U14s and U18s.  Teams are very competitive and kids from all over Bangkok are eligible.  Tryouts are mandatory and will be held on Sunday 17th September at ISB fields.  See below schedule and the attached flyer for the age cut-off dates and information about the program.   Players selected for this team will be required to participate in local and overseas tournaments, as well as attending mandatory practices each week.  Registration in the BBSA is also required, but the commitment to play on these teams is over and above participation in the BBSA. Not all teams may travel overseas this year, so please consult the Head Coach for details.

Bangkok All-Stars Tryout Schedule 
Date Time Field Team
Sunday, 17 Sep 9:00am to 10:30am B Field U10
Sunday, 17 Sep 11:00am to 12:30pm B Field U12
Sunday, 17 Sep 1:30pm to 3:00pm C Field (Reinsch) U14
Sunday, 17 Sep 3:30pm to 5:00pm C Field (Reinsch) U18

At the tryout, make sure your son wears proper attire and brings their own baseball glove.  Bats and all other equipment will be provided.  Cleats are recommended, but please also bring a pair of sneakers / trainers in case of rain – we will use indoor facilities if it rains, and cleats are not allowed indoors.  Having your own water bottle is also recommended, though water will be provided at the fields.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email the appropriate Head Coach contact as provided in the flyer. 

See you on the diamond!
Andy Minckler

Bangkok All-Stars

BKK All Stars 2017-2018



When your child is unwell………

By: ISB Health Clinic

At ISB we want all our students to be fit and healthy. An important part of this is limiting spread of diseases.

If your child is unwell please do NOT send them to school especially if they have had a fever, vomiting or severe diarrhea in the last 24 hours (if your child has occasional diarrhea they may return to school as long as there is no fever or vomiting). If your child has required medication to relieve a fever in the past 24 hours please do not send them to school. Please contact the ES/MS/HS office to inform them of your child’s absence.

If your child has a fever over 38°C or 100.4°F, diarrhea, vomiting, productive cough, rash of suspicious etiology or any other signs/symptoms of an infectious disease you will be called to collect your child from the Health Clinic.

If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease the School Health Clinic must be notified as soon as possible ( On return to school you must present a medical certificate to the School Health Clinic from a registered Medical Practitioner stating your child no longer infectious PRIOR to returning to class.

In the Health Clinic we keep records of any infectious diseases that students have so we can notify the school community if we notice a disease is spreading in the school.

Childhood infectious diseases are an unfortunate part of life. We rely on families being responsible when their child is unwell to limit the spread to others. For certain illnesses we are required under Thai law to close classes/grades if we get too many cases.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (

Fitness Center for Parents

By: Bob Connor, Assistant Athletics Director

Dear ISB Parents,

For those of you who would like to use the ISB Fitness Center, we would like to inform you regarding our rules & regulations for using these facilities.

Attached are two documents:

– FITNESS ROOM RULES & REGULATIONS 2017-2018  (Including designated hours that the rooms will be open for: Students, Teachers-Staff, Alumni, & Parents-Community); And a number of guidelines and proper etiquette for using the rooms and the equipment/machines.

– RISK ACCEPTANCE & MEMBERSHIP CONTRACT – which all teachers/staff/alumni/ and Parents MUST complete, sign & turn in.

In order to be able to use the fitness center, you must complete and turn in the risk acceptance/membership contract. You may print out the attached document, and copies will also be available with Amir Mirzaie, our Fitness Room Supervisor; and also in the Community Activities office, and Athletics office.

We are hoping to have an electronic/automated entry system installed soon; as the ISB ID cards of all teachers/staff and parents who have turned in the signed risk acceptance membership contract form will be programmed for access to the room. We will be staying in touch with upcoming details/info.

For now, please turn in the completed/signed form in the CAO or the Athletics office. Additionally, please have your ISB ID to show when using the room, as you will be asked to sign in at the supervisor desk during each visit.

Additionally, Amir Mirzaie, our Fitness Room Supervisor (certified trainer) will be offering a Saturday morning workout class for Students/Parents/Teachers, with description included below. All parents are welcome to join the weekly sessions. Please contact Amir directly if you would like to attend.

Boot Camp Workout

Sat 9-10am / Students, Parents and Teachers.

Outdoor style training designed to push your limits with various conditioning activities, core exercises and strongman events. Designed for all levels, and will be challenging. Sleds, prowlers, sprints, resistance bands and kettle bells.    

We appreciate your understanding and support. Please let us know if you have any questions at this time. 


Risk Acceptance Membership Contract-2

Fitness Room Rules & Regulations 2017-2018-1


American Red Cross Instructor Training Course (possible dates Oct 6-8):

By: Corry Day, Aquatics Director

ISB Aquatics program is looking for people from our parent community interested in becoming an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. 
We offer four, 6-week swimming lesson sessions throughout the school year (stipend positions). These sessions run after school. 
The training will consist of a Friday-Sunday weekend course and cost is 6,500 baht for certification. 

Contact Aquatics Director Corry Day if you are interested for more information


Prompts for the October edition of the PTA initiative ……” Touchstone” 2017 – 2018

By: Gunjan Mullick

Hello again, Just a gentle reminder that all articles against the topics listed below have a deadline of September 15th. Kindly rush with your contributions. We eagerly await your valued response.

With warm regards on behalf of team Touchstone

Gunjan  Mullick 

World UFO Day : 2nd July

Yes it exists ! World UFO day is an awareness day for people to gather together and watch skies for unidentified flying objects .The stated goal of the July 2 celebration is to raise awareness of the “ undoubted existence of UFOs and to encourage governments to declassify their files on UFO sightings. 

Prompt : Design your version of an “ out of this world ” UFO .Get creative and make your very own flying saucer . It could be a design / craft or a model. We at Touchstone welcome images of all. 

Mandela Day : 18th July

Nelson Mandela International Day ( or Mandela Day ) is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each year on 18th July, Mandela’s birthday. This day is a global call that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world , and has the ability to make an impact .

Prompt : We are living in a world of infinite possibilities ! What are the issues that concern you and how do you wish to bring about a positive change for humanity . ( 150 words limit)  

International Tiger Day  : 29th July

Tigers are on the brink of extinction and International Tiger Day aims to halt their decline. Many factors such as climate change, hunting and poaching have been its cause.

Prompt  : Can you imagine a world without Tigers ? 

Submit a write up / pictures from personal albums / create tiger crafts in the form of drawings, collages , logos, pins , sketches . Anything that celebrates this majestic being and submit to us . We promise to print images of all. The next edition will have a tiger trivia for the entire family to tremble over . Enjoy !   

International Youth Day : 12th August  

This day is dedicated to celebrating young peoples contributions to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice and sustainable peace .

Prompt : Who do you consider a true Youth Icon in current days and why . Submit image of the Icon along with your reasons for considering them worthy of praise and emulation . ( 100 words limit ) 

Recipe Section

World Chocolate Day : 7th July 

Looking for recipes with images to commemorate this yummy day . Let the treat fest begin!  Wish you all a very merry happy “Chocolate Day “

National ChopSuey Day : 29th August 

Yes this is a thing too ! Submit the recipe of your very own version of Chopsuey with an image. Give it a twist or  tweak it completely ! Whip up a storm both in your kitchen, and on the pages of Touchstone.  

Travelogue :  Henceforth all editions of Touchstone , will include a travelogue section . This is a platform on which you come forth and share your experiences with us from your various travels in the form of an article with an image ( one only ). Word limit should ideally not exceed a1000 words , however we are more than willing to make an exception for endearing write ups. 

Besides the titulars listed above ,there will be loads of surprises for you and your family with every edition of Touchstone.We hope you shall continue to support us and help us set the right tone . Remember our focus is not just the end results, but the entire process. You are an integral link of this chain of content and intent .

All articles due for submission by latest 15th September . Kindly address these to at the earliest .

Joyous returns my ISB family ……its good to be back !   

Gunjan Mullick


ISB eNews Guidelines

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

The ISB eNews provides a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNews guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement:

  • A title for your announcement
  • A contact person and email address for further information
  • Important details such as dates, location, prices, etc

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families. is for PTA announcements of interest to all ISB parents.

Your announcement will be submitted for review. Please note: ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB All-School eNews is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays (or Fridays when necessary). Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNews are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

The PTA eNews are sent out on Tuesdays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Mondays.

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