Campus Safety UPDATES

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

Dear ISB Community,

Welcome to the beginning of a new year here at ISB.  As we continue to keep student safety at the forefront of everything we do, some campus access changes have been made.

Please take the time to read all of the following information in its entirety.  Changes related to Bicycles, Early Childhood gate, Parking Passes, and Student Access times are included.


We encourage students, staff and parents to commute to school by bicycle where possible.  Along with this we also want to make sure riders are doing this in the safest way. 

It is very important that bike riders use the designated bike lanes and be careful at all intersections and driveways.  When approaching other bikers or walkers, be courteous and provide a safe distance when passing, and say something to make them aware you are there.

ALL bicycle riders must correctly wear, and fasten, a helmet when wishing to access campus.  Helmets must be worn at all times when riding, walking or pushing a bike to/from the designated parking racks on campus.

Beginning Monday, August 28th, those not wearing a fastened helmet will not be allowed to access campus.

Please remember to park bicycles only in designated bike shelters.  Bikes MAY NOT be parked along the front of the school, at any time.  This includes the weekends.

Early Childhood Entrance:

Starting Thursday August 17th, we will be opening an Early Childhood entrance gate.  It is located at the far end of the elementary school next to the playground and ES bike parking.  This gate will be opened daily, 7:00am – 7:45am, 1:00pm – 1:20pm, & 2:00pm – 2:40pm.  (Early dismissal days 12:50pm – 1:15pm) Only ISB ID card holders may access campus through this gate.  All visitors without an ISB ID must still enter through the main entrance near the panther.

Parking passes:
Remember that the yellow 2015-17 parking stickers expire August 31st.  New sticker applications are available at the main office security desk and the security office.  Please apply for renewals soon.

Campus Access:

  • The campus will be open to the community from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day.
  • Students and community members may enter the school via:
    • the front main gate (from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day)
    • the back Sarawanville pedestrian gate (from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day)
    • the Sports Complex Gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 8:00am and 1:55pm to 6:45pm)
    • the ES bike shed gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 8:00am and 12:30pm to 5:00pm)
    • the HS bike shed gate (weekdays from 6:40am to 7:45am and 1:45pm to 3:30pm)
  • After 8:00pm students and adults may continue to cross the campus to get to and from Nichada and Sarawanville.
  • Visitors (non ISB community members) may only use the front main gate – not the Sarawanville pedestrian gate.
  • Adults must present a valid ID to enter campus at all times.
  • Middle and High school students must present their ID cards (campus cards) when entering campus after regular school hours.
  • Access times will be adjusted for events that run before and after normal opening hours. For example, events that run past 8:00pm, the campus closing time will be adjusted to 30 minutes after the scheduled end of the event (e.g. Spirit Night).
  • All buildings on campus will be secured at 6:00pm (or immediately after the event concludes) and access will only be granted to those personnel assigned to the space. Buildings will be opened at 5:00am on school days for ISB staff access. No student or parent will be allowed to access classrooms, offices, or other learning spaces without the assigned staff member present.

Campus Use Regulations for Students by Division

  • Regular school supervision hours are as follows:
    • For ES 7:00am to 2:20pm on Weekdays, and 7:00am to 1:10pm on Early Release Days.
    • For MS 7:20am to 2:25pm
    • For HS 7:20am to 2:25pm
  • Any Elementary school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who are not participating in a school sponsored event (taking part or supporting), must be actively supervised by an adult in charge, appointed by the family.
  • Middle and High School students may use the following designated areas (if available) outside of regular school hours
    • MS/HS Library (until 4:30pm Monday-Thursday, 3:30pm Friday.  Closed Weekends)
    • Track, Field A & D, central tennis courts, and Cafeteria (until 6:00pm)
    • Auxiliary Gym (until 7:45pm)
    • Students may only use other areas of the school for school approved activities with adult supervision, eg. weight room, CC building practice rooms, etc.

Emergency Contact

  • Parents should be aware that no adult supervision is provided outside of regular school hours and school sponsored activities.  Access to the campus is at own risk.
  • Point of emergency contact – security guards are stationed at the;
    • main gate, front of school,
    • sports complex,
    • athletics area breezeway,
    • back gate by Sarawanville.

Except during school holidays, a school nurse is on campus until 8pm on weekdays and at certain weekend hours when events are scheduled.


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