Calling out to parents of ALL CULTURES! 

We have already begun to receive room/culture requests for Intercultural Day 2017. The big event will be Friday November 17 and the planning begins now. Please do not delay in requesting your spot in order to reserve your desired grade level. Spots are limited!
The elementary students are looking forward to their day of celebrating the beautiful cultures represented in our ISB community. Email us at to secure your spot or if you have any questions at all. 
We are very happy to help you with ideas and putting your plan together. Do not be intimidated. Classes will rotate through in 35 minute sessions. Each session can be filled with any combination of fun activities. Each culture will have songs, dance, games, food, and stories that will delight your eager audience!
We are excited to see what each of you can bring to the celebration!
Katie and Yvonne
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