MS Student Schedules for Semester 1

by Cindy Plantecoste
MS Dean of Academics

Changes to student schedules for semester 1 will be completed by Wednesday, August 30.  Due to shifts in enrolment over the summer, we are still working to balance class sizes to ensure that no class size hinders optimal learning.  In grade 7, we will be opening additional sections to accommodate our ‘higher-than-expected’ enrollment numbers. This will of course impact existing student schedules.

Schedule changes will only take place if it helps us better adjust class sizes and achieve better balance across the classes. Schedules will not be changed so that friends can be together or based on teacher preference. We are confident that as we settle schedules in these first few days, that students will connect with their peers and have a successful year in each of their classes. Teachers and parents can help their children look forward to a positive year, even when they didn’t get everything they wanted. These are important life lessons too.

If changes occur, our goal will be to ensure that students do not change the courses that they are taking, but rather only move to a different section taught by the same teacher. In some cases, if it helps with balancing, a student could be placed with a different teacher, but this is rare and would typically involve quite a significant change.

In the coming days, we will contact your child and you directly if your child’s schedule is changed.


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