
Andy Vaughan

If your child is sick and unable to attend school, we ask that parents inform the High School Office by 8am so that we are able to inform teachers of their absence. For absences that are planned in advance, please email Andy Vaughan regarding such periods of absence (

Khun Gade can be contacted via:
Phone: 02 9635883
Signed note: if another sibling can drop this off to the office.

Here are a few more helpful reminders regarding attendance:

  • Students who have their first block free can arrive at school after first block so long as they are in time for their first scheduled class. 
  • Students who have free’s during the day are not allowed to leave campus except in the case of a pre-arranged appointment in this time. In such cases a signed note or email must be received. Please note we will no longer allow verbal confirmation on a phone.
  • Students who have the last block of the day free are allowed to leave early at 1pm so long as a signed note or email has been received from parents.

Seniors are able to apply for a Senior Gate Pass. Senior Gate Pass forms are available from Monday 28 August and passes will be issued in the order they are received. These are awarded to Seniors who are in good academic and behavioral standing and maybe revoked if students do not maintain this standard.

Please note that in all cases where students are off campus during the day, parents assume responsibility for their child and as such, these students are not covered by the school’s insurance as they are unsupervised by the school.

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