Summer Reading Suggestions

As the holidays approach, parents often wonder what their middle school child should be doing during the break. How can we maintain the learning of the year during the two months? Students need the time away from school too. Rest and play time and social interaction are important for our energy levels as well as our development. This is true for the adults as well. Of course, that doesn’t mean kids should spend the summer (or winter down under) glued to screens or video games. 

One of the most important things students can do is read. This is even more true during school holidays when the absence of school means there isn’t any other reading taking place in their day. It doesn’t really matter what students read, as long as they are engaged in the reading. They should be choosing books that interest them.

To that end, the ISB librarians have put together a list of titles that might appeal to MS students. These are not required books, in fact just the opposite, they are suggestions. If your child has other books they want to read … great!

If, on the other hand, your child could use some suggestions, check out the titles linked below. Students who are returning to ISB can check out books from our library, assuming all checked-out books have been returned.


As parents, we can model engaged reading as well, so come visit the library and grab some titles for yourself!


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