by Dennis Harter
Middle School Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for March 9 & 10. Like the first semester, we will use the new sports complex gymnasium to host the conferences. Parents can sign up for a 2-hour block (only 40 parent slots per grade per session), during which time, you can move around the gym and meet with each teacher.
We collected feedback from parents after trying this method last semester and it was very positive and encouraging of maintaining this plan.
While this environment can be hectic and lacks in some privacy, we have found it more effective in ensuring parents see more of their child’s teachers. The noise levels do not prevent good conversation and the “hum” of the crowd actually helps with keeping conversations private.
Of course, some parents may have the need for more private conversations or longer follow up with teachers, counselors, or a group of teachers. In these cases, we recommend an appointment be made for another time, when a more private setting can be used and a longer block can be scheduled.
Sign-ups for the Parent-Teacher conference sessions will open later this month and more information will be provided at that time, including teacher availability on those days.