Middle School Production

This year Middle School Performing and Visual Artists will create a new show as a tribute to His Majesty – King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The Story of Mahajanaka will be co-created by students and staff and will be staged in the CCT Theatre in May.

Already, two information meetings have been had for students interested.  Drama, dance and visual art classes will also be directly involved in it’s creation. This is an exciting project and one that will be extremely rewarding to be a part of.

Auditions for possible key roles will take place between February 15 and 21 (different to what is on the current calendar) and we are looking for strong physical and vocal actors who are prepared to commit themselves creatively to this project. 

There will be an intense rehearsal period that will start Friday 3rd of March with a Live in Production Camp. This will require students to live in school from Friday – Saturday. This will be a fun, creative, energising camp where we can start laying the foundations for our production, develop ideas and make strong bonds as a creative team. 

Rehearsals from then on will be most days after school from 3 – 5. This is a change from previous years, because I want students to have a break, eat and hydrate before coming to rehearsal. Two hours of rehearsal will mean we can establish ‘creative flow’. I understand that this is later than normal and parents and students will have to consider this before signing up. 

A major theme in this story is PERSEVERANCE. This links nicely with the core values of COURAGE and COMMITMENT. We will strive towards our goal with open arms, eyes and hearts and deliver the very best production we can for our beloved King.

Audition Poster .2

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