Kevin Callahan
12th grade
Admission decisions are slowly trickling in from universities around the world. Please encourage your student to stop by their counselor’s office and let him or her know the outcome.
Most students planning to apply to universities in India, Japan, Korea, and Australia/New Zealand are still in a waiting pattern for application periods to open. Students should communicate closely with their counselor as they prepare for this process.
11th grade
Has your Junior scheduled the Junior Conference? Coordinate a couple of times with your Junior when you’re both available. Khun Jan in the HS Counseling Office can schedule these with the appropriate counselor. Ideally both parents should attend and this should happen during the student’s free period. We encourage families to try to get these appointments scheduled sooner rather than later. If you have any questions, please talk to your student and/or contact the ISB HS Counselor.
Considering summer plans and options? Counselors are happy to discuss options in the Junior Conference. Did you know all families can access a great database through Naviance? Log into Naviance and search for “Enrichment Programs.”
Finally, if you haven’t checked out this amazing resource for all things college related, we encourage you to do so! Is your student interested in applying to a country you know little about? Want to know when you and your student should be doing x, y, z? Curious about current trends in admissions to universities? Want to know what universities are coming to ISB soon? Visit the ISB College Counseling site: Use the menu on the left to search the site.
10th grade
This coming Friday, February 10th, the counselors will present to the 10th graders to give information about their course selections for the next two years. Students will then begin to draft a list of their possible schedule for 2017-18, and we will also give information about graduation requirements, IB Diploma vs. Certificates, options in specific subject areas, and more. Please speak with your son or daughter about their choices; there will be an upcoming Grade 10 Course Selection Evening in late February, exact date and time to be announced shortly.
9th grade
From time to time students are going to need extra help or clarification in a subject. Students are encouraged first to see their teacher after school. Flex time is 2:25 – 3:20 and nearly all teachers are in their rooms readily available to assist students with their questions. Please encourage your son / daughter to take advantage of this time if they are having difficulties in a subject. In addition, we have a peer tutoring program where students might be able to get individualized assistance from a peer who has volunteered their services. Students should drop by to see Mr. Callahan in the counseling office if they are interested in either getting help or helping others. Lastly, we do have a list of outside tutors which is vetted through our administrative office. If a student needs tutorial beyond the above fore mentioned then our HS front office can be contacted for the most up to date version of tutors offering their services.
College Visit at ISB :