By Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management
Over the past couple of weeks we have adjusted the Montri bus parking and dismissal process. This has proven to be a successful adjustment, to decrease traffic congestion, open up more parking spaces and provide increased safety for our students. We are implementing an additional phase for trial, beginning on Monday January 30th.
(Please see attached diagram for reference.)
- Parking Lot area B (previously reserved for Montri buses) is now available for all parents and employees to park all day long
- Parking Lot area A will continue to be available for parking along both sides
- Parking Lot area C continues to be open and available at all times
- Parking Lot area D is open for staff car parking, scooters and golf carts
- Golf carts will be limited to one row on the exit side of the roundabout between parking lot A&B
- NO DOUBLE PARKINGwill be allowed in any parking lots at any time
Most of our congestion and traffic back-up is caused by vehicles only stopping at the front of the school near the panther. We have over 120 meters of school front that can be used for pick-up and drop-off. Currently, our community is only using approximately 40 meters. Our intent is to spread the pick-up and drop-off area out along the front of the school and take advantage of all 120 meters.
In order to achieve this, during the Morning drop-off and Afternoon pick-up times, we will be closing off the main roundabout.
We ask that students exit, or enter vehicles as quickly as possible. A 10 second pick-up and drop-off should be sufficient. Cars should not be sitting and waiting for students or parents to arrive at the curb. We all need to take into consideration the other vehicles, parents and students trying to enter and exit the school and work collaboratively to improve the overall parking lot environment.
There will be two lanes along the front of the school which will allow for vehicles to pull over for drop-off/pick-up and then move out to exit the school. Vehicles that wish to park will follow the same flow and be able to access Parking lot A, B, and C.
To exit the school during these times, drivers will have to:
Please see diagram.
Thank you for your consideration of this and your assistance.
- Drive along the full front of the school down to the end of the Elementary building
- Once at the ES bike parking area they can turn into parking lot area A or parking lot area B to exit
- These parking lots will be clear of double parked cars, which will provide a clear path back towards the roundabout
- Once at the roundabout, drivers will turn left and be able to head for the exit.
Thank you for the consideration. Our hope is that these adjustments will save travel time and make the commute to and from school quicker.