Parking Arrangements for IFF

We are expecting a large turnout to Saturday’s International Family Fair (IFF) and anticipate some parking constraints. To help alleviate this pressure, we please ask the following:

 – Please can all residents of Nichada walk or ride their bikes to the event. The three main bike parking gate areas will be open for easy access.  

 – For those needing to drive to the event, please consider carpooling

Cars will be allowed to park in the main parking lot in front of the admin and elementary buildings.  Golf cart will be parking to the left of the main entrance in the parking lot in front of the Chevron theater.  We will only be able to allow ONE row of golf carts to be parked along the turnaround.

Once the parking lot is full, the gates will be closed to any further vehicle access.  Cars will be able to park in the Nichada Club parking lot. We ask that you please follow the directions of the guards when parking inside the ISB lot or when looking for alternative parking areas. We want to ensure that everyone enters the lot safely, but also to make sure everyone can exit smoothly when the event ends.

Thank you for your consideration of this.

Have a wonderful day at the IFF!

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