PTA and Booster Club eNews

HS PTA Parent Meeting

Hello parents of HS students! Our next meeting will be held at 6:30pm on January 27, in the MPB 2.

We have changed the time to the evening.

Dr. Davies and the HS admin will be discussing the proposed new grading system to possibly begin next fall.

This may be your last opportunity to voice your concerns before the Board of Trustees decides whether or not to implement a new system.

Please bring your questions and come share your thoughts in this important discussion.

See you there!

Rebecca Armstrong and Vartika Bawa
HS PTA co-representatives


SAT Classes start Jan 28.

SAT prep classes are coming to ISB soon!

For signup and enquiries please write to

Shaila Ahmed


PTA Popcorn sale – volunteers needed

PTA Popcorn coordinators need volunteers for popcorn sales every Friday. Please sign up here.

For any query please contact;

Sraboni Pal and Jesmin Tarana


International Family Fair – Saturday 21st

Don’t miss the International Family Fair – Saturday 21st

The IFF is this Saturday! It is an event not to be missed, with performances, delicious food, games, activities, great prizes and the parade!

We hope to see you there!

21st of January, 4-7 pm @ISB
By: Rachel Nahmias



We still need volunteers – please give an hour of your time.

It takes over 100 volunteers to make the IFF a fun and successful day for all. Please sign up for a shift of one hour or so for ticket or drink sales or to assist with the games.

The IFF is a chance to celebrate our international diversity with food and fun from many different nationalities represented here at our school. We will also have fun activities and games for all ages.

This great community event cannot be possible without your help. Please click on the links below to volunteer. No experience necessary, just bring your smile!

Volunteer for ticket sales and games at IFF on January 21st

Sell drinks with Booster Club at the IFF on January 21st


By: Maria Van Zant


Buy your IFF Raffle Tickets this week!


Tickets are already on sale for the popular IFF Raffle! 50 baht per ticket with chances to win fantastic prizes!

***Sneak Peek: Ipad & Apple Watch!***

You can find the IFF raffle table in front of admissions each day, from 7.10am – 8.00am and from 1:00pm to 3.00pm. On Friday, there will also be a table near the Booster Hut between 1:30-3:00.

By: Natalie Lollback


Parking Arrangements for IFF

We are expecting a large turnout to Saturday’s International Family Fair (IFF) and anticipate some parking constraints. To help alleviate this pressure, we please ask the following:

– Please can all residents of Nichada walk or ride their bikes to the event. The three main bike parking gate areas will be open for easy access.  

– For those needing to drive to the event, please consider carpooling

Cars will be allowed to park in the main parking lot in front of the admin and elementary buildings.  Golf cart will be parking to the left of the main entrance in the parking lot in front of the Chevron theater.  We will only be able to allow ONE row of golf carts to be parked along the turnaround.

Once the parking lot is full, the gates will be closed to any further vehicle access.  Cars will be able to park in the Nichada Club parking lot. We ask that you please follow the directions of the guards when parking inside the ISB lot or when looking for alternative parking areas. We want to ensure that everyone enters the lot safely, but also to make sure everyone can exit smoothly when the event ends.

Thank you for your consideration of this.

Have a wonderful day at the IFF!


Join the Flag Parade on Saturday 21st – 4PM

Dear all,

First of all, thank you very much to all the countries who have already signed up to participate in the IFF Flag Parade 2017!

We will meet on Saturday January the 21st at 3:15pm  at the ES Cafeteria in order to have enough time to provide sashes and flags to everyone and be ready for the Parade on time.

Secondly, there are already almost 39 countries confirmed. A Big Thanks to all of them for stepping in! Welcome Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, UK and USA.

Thirdly, if your country is not in the list above, you still have time to participate. Just email us by Monday the 16th. Or, you can also join the countries already confirmed in the parade. Everyone is welcome!

Get ready, the big ISB PTA event will start soon!

Gabriela & Sanja
( /


Wanted: Touchstone editor

screen-shot-2017-01-16-at-1-02-03-pmDo you like to know all about what is going on at school? And do you have affinity with writing and design? Head editor of the Touchstone is the right job for you! The editor coordinates the process front to end: collecting material, editing / proof reading, printing and distribution. He or she works with a team of editors, who are responsible for the content of the different sections of the magazine.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us at or

PTA – President


MS PTA meeting Thursday Jan 19

Please come and join our January meeting this Thursday 10:30 am at MPB3. We are going to share MS event reminders. MS class trip is happening in 3 weeks  and trip information will be sent home with students. If you are interested to learn more about the trip such as what students will learn & explore, we have trip leaders to hold a session to talk about it.

Hope to see you there.
Karen Leung & Rosalina Hernandez
MS Coordinators, PTA


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