A Tremendous Achievement

by Dennis Harter

Day in and day out, our middle school students make us proud as they develop and grow in their interests, talents, and as young adolescents. We appreciate every one of them for their uniqueness and personalities.

Every now and then, however, we have an opportunity to share extraordinary achievement by our students. A few weeks ago, grade 6 student Yuiko Akashi participated in a National Flute Competition in Japan. After having qualified at the regional level, Yuiko was selected to the national finals. Already an impressive feat accomplished, Yuiko went on to win that competition. This is incredible recognition considering the intensity of competition and quality of the flutists.


We were treated to Yuiko’s performance at our final assembly of the semester. Yuiko performed beautifully and received a standing ovation from her peers. Her hard work, dedication, and talent blew us away.

Congratulations to Yuiko for this wonderful achievement. Panther Proud!


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