PTA e-News and Newsletter

Holiday Shopping at the Booster Hut!

There is an extra day of shopping this week to help you all get your holiday needs: sweatshirts, travel bags, gifts, etc!  The Booster Hut will be open on Thursday, December 15th from 11:00am until 3:00pm and on Friday December 16th for a half day 8:45-11:45. Best wishes from the Booster Club for a relaxing and fun holiday break!

Sign up to help at the Booster Hut Next Semester

It’s fun! It’s easy! On the job training with great benefits! Socialize with friends, see the kids, and be in the center of campus! Sign up for a Booster Hut shift next semester.

Booster Hut Volunteer

+66-89-924-5306 M
+66-2-960-3518 H


Music in the Park Tickets pre-sale

Tickets for 15 Jan 17 Music in the Park will be pre-selling on 13 Dec 16 – 14 Jan 17 at the Panther at 7-8.00 am and 2-3.30 pm for Adult 200/Child 100.

sutida chawaldit


Back to School Coffee on Monday, January 9th

coffee-morningThe PTA would like to invited all ISB parents to the Back to School Coffee on Monday, January 9th from 7:30-8:30 am in front of the Chevron Theatre.  Help us welcome our new families while enjoying some coffee and treats.

Elinna Bahrin and Heidi Tilley
PTA Welcome Wai



MS Snowball Social / Thank You Parents

It was an awesome one.  We have a record high of participation & students enjoyed it very much. Thanks parents volunteers that helped us to set up & clean up, you have made our day much easier & we appreciate your ideas.  Those who delivered baked foods,  you might not believe that all were finished in a very short time !   Thanks again for all your support!!!

p.s.  we have collected plates & boxes of baked foods.   Parents please contact us to collect them.

Karen Leung & Rosalina Hernandez
MS Coordinators, PTA


MS Olympics / Dec 15 Thur

Please come to the event, get some sweat to support our tweens on a once-a-year game competition.

If you are interested in volunteering, please forward an e-mail to and indicate the following:

  1.      Availability –  Full Day, Morning only or Afternoon only
  2.     Station/Activity Preference –  Athletics (track and field), Cultural Games or Team Games

Looking forward to seeing many of you on the field !

Karen Leung & Rosalina Hernandez
MS Coordinators, PTA


International Family Fair 2017


iffInternational Family Fair (IFF) 2017

by the IFF Team

Last meeting before the fair – 16/1/17

10:00 am, MPB..Please join us!

Have a great holiday


IFF Flag Parade

Dear  Community,

Being the IFF Flag Parade Coordinators we would like to say thank you to the 30 countries which have already confirmed their presence in the Parade… If you didn’t have a chance to confirm yet, please contact your Community Rep. or us directly… We would really love to see everyone parading!

The Parade will be the first event at the IFF, starting at 4pm by the stage, outside, near the ES cafeteria. Both children and adults are welcome to participate.

There will be one flag bearer per country. In case you have more than one person interested in carrying the flag, the community must decide who will do it. The other participants can also hold smaller flags or typical cultural accessories, like instruments or ornaments. The flags and sashes will be provided by the PTA (we have standardized sizes for all flags).

Please, remember that everyone parading should wear their national costumes or anything associated with the colours of their flag or the national sport team.

Help us spread the word amongst your community and let us know the following: name of the country participating in the parade as well as the e-mail, phone number and name of the person who will be representing that country.

Sanja & Gabriela
IFF Parade Coordinators


Thanks for coming to the HS Principal’s Forum meeting last week

If you weren’t able to attend, or would like to review information shared, please see the slideshow Mr. Bradley prepared and notes taken by the HS representatives. Thank you parents for submitting questions and participating in the discussion. We always learn something new!

Rebecca Armstrong & Vartika Bawa
HS PTA Representatives

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