Semester December Exams (Gr. 9 & 10 only)

Susan Canobie

Please find detailed information on December Exams and the Schedule HERE.  Note Exams are for Grades 9 and 10 only, with Grades 11 and 12 having regular classes.  These Exams are formative, in that they indicate one point of achievement on a learning continuum.  Feedback on these tasks are incredibly useful and the information given to students and teachers informs further learning.  They do, however, form a significant part of Semester grades.

Students can leave school early (before 2:20pm) after an exam by completing an early-departure-examinations  This form will be posted on the Parent and Student Portals or hard copies can be obtained from the HS Office.  Students will need to have a parent-signed, completed form for each instance they wish to leave campus.

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