MS/HS Choir Concert – 6:30pm Thursday, December 1 in the Chevron Theatre
By: Anthony Giles, Arts & Activities Director
Please join the HS, MS, and ISB Community Choirs along with the newly formed Nichada Chamber Orchestra in the Chevron Theatre at 6:30 pm on Thursday December 1 for a musical Tribute to His Majesty The King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The concert will feature Dan Forrest’s “Requiem for the Living” and Eric Whitacre’s “Cloudburst” which uses the human voice to simulate the sounds of a rainstorm as well as a special arrangement of the King’s Anthem sung by all.
HS Band Holiday Concert – 6:30pm Thursday, December 8 CCT
By: Anthony Giles, Arts & Activities Director
Please mark you calendars for the HS Band Holiday Concert scheduled for 6:30pm Thursday, December 8 in the CC Theatre. The Concert will feature all three HS bands including the Wind Ensemble, Intermediate Band and Jazz Band. In addition to standard holiday songs, the concert will pay tribute to His Majesty The King Bhumibol Adulyadej, with music either in His Majesty’s honor or written by His Majesty himself. Special guests will be 8 vocalists from the HS Choir performing with the bands. The jazz band will bring the ‘Soul’ into the holiday season with music from such artists as Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin. There is no charge to attend the concert and all are welcome. (T. Myers)
First Friday with Andy
By: Dr. Andrew Davies, Head of School
The next “First Friday with Andy” will take place tomorrow morning, Friday 2nd December at 8:00am, in the Orange Room (near the admissions office).
“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary; simply come and participate if you are free and interested.
Second Chance Bangkok Upcycled Sale – Dec 14th
By: Eleanor Haynes, Elementary School Teacher
December 14th: MPB 9:30-1:30
Second Chance Bangkok will be selling their upcycled goods at ISB on December 14th, between 9:30-1:30 in the MPB.
Please stop by and do some holiday shopping. Their products are beautiful and fun!
Second Chance Bangkok is a local initiative, fair trade organization in the Klong Toey Slum that uses donated clothing to create upcycled goods. This organization is a local initiative, located in the Klong Toey Slum, that uses donated clothing to create upcycled goods. They provide opportunities for people who have experienced barriers to employment. They also finance projects that support families in the slum.

Is your country represented in the biggest event of the year?
By: Rachel Nahmias
Is your country represented in the biggest event of the year?
PTA is organizing the best family event of the year and would like to invite all countries to have a chance to give a taste of their culture to our community.
IFF (International Family Fair) will take place on January 21st, 4-7 pm and the more country booths we have, the more fun it will be! Please get involved.
For more information please contact, Rachel
Would you like to take part in IFF (International Family Fair)?
By: Rachel Nahmias
IFF is a family fair with different activities for our community to enjoy. The fair will take place on January 21st, 4-7pm.
We will have food booths run by our community, games for the children to enjoy and a concert to entertain both children and adults.
If you would like to take part in the concert please contact me before December 5th. Please note that there is a selection process as we are looking for high quality performances, and for a variety of acts representing many traditions. Each performance is limited to 3:30 minutes.
This will be the best event ever!
Join the IFF parade – January 21st / 4PM
By: Gabriela & Sanja
The International Family Fair, one of biggest events at ISB, will kick off with an international, colorful and amazing flag parade!
We would love to see many parents and children parading and representing their countries while wearing beautiful costumes and / or their national colors.
There will be one child or adult who will carry the flag, but everyone is welcome to join the group. The PTA will provide the flags and sashes with the country name.
Please attend our second meeting on Tuesday Dec 6th, 10 AM in the MPB2 and stay tuned – check your emails and ISB eNews.
Thanks and see you soon!
Gabriela & Sanja
Morning Parking Adjustments
By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management
This mornings’ parking adjustment we tested during the opening ceremony was a huge success and provided a substantial amount of short term temporary parking for visitors and morning drop off.
Due to this success we are going to continue with the same modification starting tomorrow, Friday December 1st through December 16th. At that time we will evaluate its overall benefits.
We have adjusted the Montri van parking to allow for additional short term visitor parking. The Montri parking area will continue to be available for visitors to park between 6:45am-12:00pm Monday – Friday.
All vehicles must be removed by 12:00pm or they will be blocked in until 3:40pm when the buses leave. No double parking will be allowed in this temporary parking area.
Today we also successfully limited parking in the main turn. We will continue to limit this to two rows of golf carts. Golf carts can be parked in the new temporary parking as long as they are removed by 12:00pm.
As of this point, we have made no adjustments to the afternoon parking arrangement but continue to work to find the best solution for everyone.
If you have any question please feel free to contact me at
Please update your child’s passport information on Powerschool
By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management
As part of our move to enhance the overall safety of students, when on and off campus, we need to collect updated and current passport information. To do this easily we have added a new section in powerschool. ISB is needing to collect all current student information for:
- Passport country
- Passport number
- Passport Expiration date
This information will be used for student trip documents for travel in and out of Thailand, insurance and our emergency management team. This is also a good time to make sure your address and phone numbers are up to date.
This update can be done easily by logging into the parent portal and going to the “Contact Update” tab at the bottom left of the Navigation pane.
Once in the contact info window please complete the three fields under the student’s address.
When these fields are filled in be sure to click the SUBMIT button on the bottom right. If you have multiple children enrolled, please make sure to do this for each child.
Thank you for your assistance with the collection of this information.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
Girl Scout nights at Que Pasa
By: Amy Hall
Que Pasa restaurant is making it easy to support the Girl Scouts! Dine in, take out, or call for delivery on Dec. 6, 7, and 8, and Que Pasa will donate a portion of sales to keep Girl Scouts going in Thailand. Be sure to mention Girl Scouts when you place your order. To make it even easier, find your favorite Girl Scout and ask her for a blue ticket. Turn in the ticket when you place your order to show your participation in the fund-raiser. Help us build girls of courage, confidence, and character, and watch the girls make their world a better place!

Health Clinic Updates
By: Sally Plomley, ISB Health Clinic
Over the last few weeks we have had several cases of gastroenteritis presenting to the Health Clinic. Please keep your child at home if they are unwell with gastroenteritis until they have been symptom free (without medications) for 24 hours.
What is gastroenteritis?
Gastroenteritis, commonly called ‘gastro’, is an infection or inflammation of the digestive system.
Gastroenteritis can be caused by a number of different germs including:
- viruses (for example norovirus, rotavirus, hepatitis A)
- bacteria (for example Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella)
- parasites (for example Giardia, Cryptosporidium).
Gastroenteritis can also be caused by toxins that some bacteria produce in food (for example Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens).
How do you get gastroenteritis?
The germs that cause gastroenteritis can be found in food, water, soil, animals (including pet, farm and wild animals) and in humans.
You get gastroenteritis by taking in germs or their toxins through your mouth. This can be by:
- drinking or eating something contaminated with germs or toxins
- contact with microscopic amounts of faeces (poo) or vomit from an ill person. This may occur directly by close personal contact, or indirectly by touching contaminated surfaces such as taps, toilet flush buttons, toys or nappies. The germs then pass from your hands to your mouth
- handling pets and other animals
When people get gastroenteritis they often assume that the last meal they ate gave them food poisoning, but often it will be from another meal sometime within the last few days, or from contact with an infected person.
Signs and symptoms
Gastroenteritis symptoms usually begin 1 to 2 days after you have taken in the germ, but it can be as early as 1 hour and as long as 60 days.
Symptoms can include:
- nausea and/or vomiting
- diarrhea, sometimes containing blood
- stomach pain/cramps
- fever
- generally feeling unwell, including tiredness and body aches.
If you have diarrhea and/or vomiting there is a good chance you have gastroenteritis.
There are many causes of gastroenteritis, and laboratory testing of a faecal specimen is necessary to confirm what germ is causing your gastroenteritis especially with prolonged episodes.
Treatment of gastroenteritis
Treatment depends on the germ causing the gastroenteritis, but in general people with gastroenteritis should:
- Drink plenty of fluids such as plain water or oral rehydration drinks (available from pharmacies) to avoid dehydration
- Avoid anti-vomiting or anti-diarrheal medications unless these are prescribed or recommended by a doctor. Children are more likely to get side effects from anti-vomiting medications so they should be avoided
If you experience severe or prolonged symptoms you should consult a doctor.
How can gastroenteritis be prevented?
- Do not go to work or school for at least 24 hours after symptoms have finished.
- Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet.
- Immediately remove and wash any clothes or bedding contaminated with vomit or diarrhea using detergent and hot water.
- After an episode of diarrhea or vomiting, clean contaminated surfaces (for example benches, floors and toilets) immediately using detergent and hot water. Then disinfect surfaces using a bleach-based product diluted according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Clean carpet or soft furnishings contaminated with diarrhea or vomit immediately using detergent and hot water and then steam clean.
- Avoid contact with people who have gastroenteritis symptoms.
- Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet, cleaning up vomit or diarrhea, or handling animals, and before eating or drinking. If hand-washing facilities are not available use an alcohol-based gel.
- Cook foods thoroughly to a temperature of 75 °C or until meat juices run clear and are not pink.
- Keep cold food below 5 °C and hot food above 60 °C.
- Use bottled water and avoid salads, raw meats, unpasteurised dairy products and ice in drinks
- Consider vaccination against rotavirus, typhoid, cholera and Hepatitis A
ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (
ISB students compete at Yale University
By: Dr. Selena Gallagher, Pre K-12 Challenge & Enrichment Specialist
Ten high school students and one middle school student recently travelled to Yale University to compete in the World Scholar’s Cup Tournament of Champions. They joined 1200 students from 40 different countries in this prestigious culminating event of the World Scholar’s Cup season. Read more about the efforts and achievements of these dedicated students here.
Thank you!
Have shoes that are too small for you? Or shoes that you don’t want anymore?
By: Becky Hansberry, Activities Director & CAS Coordinator
Have shoes that are too small for you? Or shoes that you don’t want anymore?
To start off the December Advocacy Month of giving (December 1st up until December break), there will be a donation box in the ES, MS and HS office for people to donate shoes that they would like to give away!
Please be mindful of the condition of the shoes and make sure they are still usable.
These boxes are for students to donate new or used closed-toed shoes or sneakers, mainly for shoes ranging from size 27-37 (Europe sizes). We will be donating them over the winter break to Wat Koo School, a nearby school that we have contacted.
eNews Guidelines
By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications
ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.
Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.
What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.
Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.
Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.
The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.