(Repeat) ES Musical

Parent Volunteers Needed
Is your child signing up for the ES Musical? If so, you may have noticed that parents are requested to volunteer to help with this wonderful production. Please go here to sign up for one (or more) of the scenery/prop workshops, led by the talented Esther Schouten. Thank you for your support!

Parent Liaison Needed
Is your 4th or 5th grader planning on being part of the ES Musical this year? Are you looking for a way to help out? The “A Year With Frog and Toad, KIDS” team is looking for an organized parent to serve as a liaison between the production team and the parent community. This person will be responsible for organizing volunteers to help with various parts of the production, including costuming, props, scenery, ticket sales, snacks, and more. If you are interested in being a part of this fun and rewarding experience, please contact Mrs. Wong at angelaw@isb.ac.th.

About Tina

ES secretary
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