ISB Communication Single Page View

Exhibition Honoring His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

By: Dr. Andrew Davies and Usa Somboon, Head of School and Headmistress,
Dear ISB Community,

We would like to cordially invite you to join the opening ceremony of the Exhibition Honoring His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej under the theme  “His Majesty’s Legacy Lives On” on December 1st, 2016 at 7:30am. (In Thai Language “สืบสานพระราชปณิธานสานศรัทธา ในดวงใจทั่วหล้านิรันดร”.) The venue is the inside and outside area of the foyer of the Chevron Theater.

We are very honored that Khun Ploypailin Jensen, grand daughter of HM the King, will be presiding over the opening ceremony.

The Exhibition, organized in collaboration with the ISB Thai Parent Association and the PTA, will feature His Majesty’s life from his childhood, his work on more than 4000 royal projects, his artistic talents, his sufficient economic philosophy, and his dedication to the Thai people and Thailand.  The Exhibition will run from 1-16 December 2016, and will form a wonderful learning experience about His Majesty for our students and our community. ISB is honored to host this event, which will celebrate the life of His Majesty and his legacy. We offer our sincere gratitude to the organizers and sponsors that have made this event possible for our ISB community.

We do hope you can join us on Thursday December 1st. Please see the opening schedule below:

7:30 All gathering in front of the Chevron Foyer

7:35 Khun Ploypailin Jensen arrives, a student presents Khun Ploypailin Jensen a puang malai

7:40 ES Grade 4 Choir and ISB staff, parents students sing the King’s Anthem

7:45 Dr. Davies, ISB Head of School gives a welcoming speech

7:50 Khun Ploypailin Jensen opens the exhibition and visits the exhibition area

8:00 Khun Ploypailin Jensen leaves and exhibition opens for all community to view
Dress Code: Black polite attire or student uniform

Kind Regards,

Andy Davies and Usa Somboon


Spirit Night – This Friday at ISB!

By: Derrick Quinet, Athletics Director

The long wait is finally over, and Season Two Spirit Night is here! Bring your friends and family to ISB this Friday for all the fun, food, and festivities. The Booster Hut will be selling glow sticks, Panther ears, tattoos, pretzels and much more. Check the game schedule, support our teams, and join our Panther Pride!

Don’t forget to wear Black & Gold this Friday! Go Panthers!


Administrative Appointments and Searches

By: Andrew Davies, Head of School

Dear ISB Community,

Please find some news below related to administrative positions at ISB.

HS Principal Search

HS Principal Philip Bradley, who has been with ISB for 8 years and has had a considerable positive influence on the High School and school as a whole, will be leaving ISB to become the Head of School at The Swiss International School of Qatar beginning in July 2017. This is a significant accomplishment for Philip as he was the top choice following a worldwide search for a really exciting role as founding Head. In Philip’s own words, “As we looked for a new challenge it became increasingly clear that the Head of School position in Doha was the right fit since in many respects there can be no comparison with ISB. The school building is in the final weeks of completion and my appointment is their first staffing decision. The opportunity to build an international school from day one is a rare one, that is both exciting and challenging”.

We wish Philip and his family all the very best and thank him wholeheartedly for his many contributions to ISB.

The HS Principal position was tentatively posted last month with ISS and it is now listed as a firm opening (please click here). We will begin interviewing candidates shortly and will be in touch again in due course.

Deputy Head of School/CFO Announcement

I am very pleased to announce that Marc de Vries has been appointed to the position of Deputy Head/CFO beginning July 2017.

Of the 24 applicants that applied for the position through Search Associates, four made the final shortlist. Dr. Costessi, Mr. Scott and I conducted interviews (two per candidate), while the Search Associates consultant also conducted interviews and completed reference checks.

On completion of the process, it was clear to us that Mr. De Vries was unequivocally the best candidate for the position. We look forward very much to working with Mr. De Vries in the years ahead.


Dr. Andrew Davies

Come watch the MS Band Concert  – Tuesday November 29th

By: Anthony Giles, Arts & Activities Director

The Middle School (MS) Band Concert will be held on Tuesday, November 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chevron Theater (free admission). The concert features compositions by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and jazz influences in honor of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Over 200 students in 3 bands (Beginning, Concert and Symphonic Band) will be performing. They will be sharing what they have learned this semester and will showcase progress of each individual ensemble–all tied to the curriculum of the MS Band Program.

Join the ISB Team for the “Back on Track” Fun Run

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

On the 28th of January, the US Embassy is having their annual Back on Track fun run/walk to promote healthy, balanced living. ISB is putting a running/walking team together to join the event. It is a family friendly event open to adults and children, friends and family. The run will take place in Lumphini Park. If you are interested in joining us for a fun day out, please contact our ISB Team representative: Mindy Lorber,

Registration closes on November 25th and more information can be found here.


Announcing Panther Tennis Cardio for ISB Parents!

By: Bob Connor, Assistant Athletics Director

We will have our second session of this exciting new tennis clinic activity on Monday 28th November, from 7:30-9:00am at courts 1-7, across the field from the cafeteria.

Last week, we had 11 adults, and all enjoyed a great workout while hitting lots of tennis balls!

This week, we will have four coaches, each on a separate court with 4-5 players on each court. We have 18-20 signed up, with room for a few more…

The fee will be 300 baht per person, payable in cash that morning.

If you have not already confirmed your attendance, please email directly to Bob Connor at ISB (

Please see attached flyer for more details; we hope to see you on the courts next Monday morning!



Look for any lost items in Lost Property this Friday!

By: Natalie Lollback

Lost Property will be displayed this Friday the 25th of November at the HS/MS cafeteria.   It will be the last display for this term.  Please remind your children to come and look!  Storage space is very limited so Lost Property items will only be displayed twice, then disposed of.

All new uniforms have a label on the inside to write your child’s student number or surname.

Remember all items coming to school should have a name on them!


Safety Presentation by ISB PTA, Wednesday Nov 30th, 7 pm in MPB 3

By: Inderbir Broca

ISB PTA would like to invite all parents to a presentation on safety concerns that have been brought forward by parents.

This will be held on Wed, Nov 30 at 7:00 p.m. in MPB 3. Please save
the date and time.

  • Dr Davies, ISB Head of School will talk on aquatic safety and share details of the findings of the aquatic safety consultants.
  • Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management, will talk on traffic issues and other safety measures in and around school.
  • Kara Bentley the Asst. Regional Security Officer from the US Embassy will talk on the different layers of security in and around school.
  • John Schachnovsky, Legal Attaché from the FBI, will talk on cyber safety and give tips on how our students should manage their digital footprint and avoid hackers.
  • Sean Hughes, Regional Overseas Security Manager from the British Embassy will talk on how to manage life in Bangkok.

Please come and share your concerns with these experts and have your
questions answered.

This event is being organised in the evening so that our working
parents also have a chance to attend.

Come and mingle with other parents, while you listen to these experts.

If you have any questions please write to:

Inderbir Broca
PTA First Vice President
Lizette Van Bergen
PTA President

Traffic flow reminder

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

This is a reminder that ALL ISB traffic must use the right lane once inside the Nichada main gate.  The left lane is only for drivers who are NOT coming to ISB. See attached traffic flow document for further details.


Please help us by adhering to this as we continue to get complaints from parents and Nichada residents regarding the misuse of lanes when arriving at school.

Once inside the school entrance we would also like to remind you that the full front of the school is available for student drop off, not just the covered area.  If you have Elementary students, please feel free to drop them off closer to the ES entrance.  This will help alleviate some of the traffic congestion at the front of the school.


For those families who have a private driver, please share this information with them.

Thank you for your continued support and adherence to the traffic guidelines.  If we work together as a community, we can help reduce the traffic and parking challenges.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at


Is your country represented in the biggest event of the year?

By: Rachel Nahmias

Is your country represented in the biggest event of the year?

PTA is organizing the best family event of the year and would like to invite all countries to have a chance to give a taste of their culture to our community.

IFF (International Family Fair) will take place on January 21st, 4-7 pm and the more country booths we have, the more fun it will be! Please get involved.

For more information please contact Rachel





Join the IFF parade  – January 21st / 4PM

By: Gabriela & Sanja

The International Family Fair, one of biggest events at ISB, will kick off with an international, colorful and amazing flag Parade!

We would love to see many parents and children parading and representing their countries while wearing beautiful costumes and / or their national colors.

There will be one child or adult who will carry the flag, but everyone is welcome to join the group. The PTA will provide the flags and sashes with the country name.

Please attend our second meeting on Tuesday Dec 6th10 AM in the MPB2 and stay tuned  – check your emails and ISB eNews.

Thanks and see you soon!

Gabriela & Sanja


Would you like to take part in IFF (International Family Fair)?

By: Rachel Nahmias

IFF is a family fair with different activities for our community to enjoy. The fair will take place on January 21st, 4-7pm.

We will have food booths run by our community, games for the children to enjoy and a concert to entertain both children and adults.

If you would like to take part in the concert please contact me before December 5th. Please note that we have a selection process, because we are looking for high quality performances, and a variety of acts representing many traditions. Each performance will be limited to 3:30 minutes.

This will be the best event ever! Please

Please update your child’s passport information on Powerschool

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

As part of our move to enhance the overall safety of students, when on and off campus, we need to collect updated and current passport information. To do this easily we have added a new section in powerschool.  ISB is needing to collect all current student information for:

  • Passport country
  • Passport number
  • Passport Expiration date

This information will be used for student trip documents for travel in and out of Thailand, insurance and our emergency management team.  This is also a good time to make sure your address and phone numbers are up to date.

This update can be done easily by logging into the parent portal and going to the “Contact Update” tab at the bottom left of the Navigation pane.









Once in the contact info window please complete the three fields under the student’s address.




When these fields are filled in be sure to click the SUBMIT button on the bottom right.  If you have multiple children enrolled, please make sure to do this for each child.

Thank you for your assistance with the collection of this information.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

Cafeteria News…Appreciation Gift Dining Vouchers

By: ISB Cafeteria (Michelle)

Looking for a great way to say “Thank You, You are Appreciated, Well Done, or Happy New Year” to that special ISB community member?  Grab an Epicure dining voucher today and gift the treat of free dining in the cafeteria from breakfast through lunch, a truly useful and practical way to express your gratitude.  Vouchers available in amounts from 100- 500 baht at the Grind Cafe.  Simply stop by before or after lunches to order your gift.  Enjoy.


eNews Guidelines

By: Shelley Bragg, Director of Marketing and Communications

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings

The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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