By: ISB Health Clinic
Do you know what happens when your child visits the ISB Health Clinic? How do they get assessed? How do they get treated?
The ISB Health Clinic reviews around 60 students each day. Staff members are also seen in the clinic. Conditions vary from minor injuries to more serious concerns.
When a student visits, they are initially asked to fill in paperwork with their name and class. The nurse will then ask them what is wrong and they will be assessed. The assessment will be determined by the injury or illness they are experiencing. The nurse will also be called if the student is unable to come to the clinic and will review the student and transport them to the clinic if required. In the afternoon, after school, the nurse is located at the first aid room in the Sports Complex by the ES pool.
They will then receive treatment for the condition. The treatment required will vary from being given an ice pack, being given medications (if parents have consented this), being observed or to being transferred to hospital in the case of an immediately life threatening condition. If the child is in elementary school and the injury or illness may cause ongoing symptoms, the parent will be notified. If the student is in middle school or high school and the injury is mild, the student is asked if they would like us to notify the parent.
If the illness or injury requires further investigation or management, parents will be notified and asked to pick up their child if immediate review is required. All students with a temperature over 38 degrees celsius or persistent vomiting will need to be picked up.
If the student needs to be seen by a doctor, the nurse can assist by contacting the hospital of choice and arranging an appointment. We may assist in the transfer to hospital for certain injuries (or illnesses) where mobility is limited but would need the parent/guardian to accompany the student and transport will normally only be provided to World Medical Center. Transfer to other hospitals can be arranged through World Medical Center if required. In the case of immediately non life threatening injuries or illnesses the school will not transfer a student without the parent being present. The reason for this is the parents need to decide which hospital they want their child to go to and what treatment they want their child to have. Doctors also need consent from the parent to perform any procedure on their child. Students will also feel comforted by the presence of their parent.
If the injury is life threatening, the student would be sent to World Medical Center and the parents notified as soon as possible.
ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (