New Campus Access Guidelines: starting Saturday October 22nd

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

In an effort to maintain the unique open campus feel of ISB, along with improving the overall safeguarding of students, employees, parents and property, we are implementing the following guidelines regarding access to the campus:

Campus Use and Access:

  • The campus will be open to the community from 6.40am to 8.00pm each day.  
  • During the weekends, once inside the main gate, there will be one entrance to the school. This will be the main entrance next to the central administration office. All other access points will be closed.
  • Adults must present ID to enter campus at all times.
  • Access times will be adjusted for events that run before and after normal opening hours. For events that run past 8:00 pm, the campus closing time will be adjusted to 30 minutes after the scheduled end of the event.
  • For students who need to traverse the campus to get to and from Nichada and Sarawan Village, they will continue to be allowed access, with student ID, up to 9:30 pm.
  • All buildings on campus will be secured at 6:00 pm (or immediately after the event concludes) and access will only be granted to those personnel assigned to the space. Buildings will be opened at 5:00 am on schools days for ISB staff access. No student or parent will be allowed to access classrooms, offices, or other teaching spaces without the assigned staff member present.


  • Any Elementary and Middle school student on campus outside of regular school hours, who is not participating in a school supported event, must be supervised by an adult. For Middle School students this time begins at 3:50pm. High School students are provided more flexibility and are allowed on campus without an adult. Please refer to the division handbooks more specifics guidelines.
  • Elementary students are supervised by ISB staff from 7:00am – 2:20pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and 7:00 am – 2:05 pm on Tuesdays.

Should you have any concerns about campus access, please contact me at

About Tina

ES secretary
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