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Our Deepest Condolences

by Dennis Harter

We were deeply saddened by the passing of the Honorable King Bhumibol Adulyadej.  Our hearts are with the wonderful people of Thailand during this time of grief. The world has lost a most beloved, revered, and respected leader.

Today, our middle school joined together in an assembly to honor and pay our respects to His Majesty. Head of School, Dr. Davies, and Headmistress Ajan Usa Somboon offered our condolences and shared the incredible legacy and impact His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has had on the people and Kingdom of Thailand. We continue to be inspired by His Majesty’s legacy.

In this time of mourning, we remind you that if you or your child needs support, please feel free to contact one of our counselors:


MS Student Photos – this week

Middle school students will have their photos taken during the first three days this week. Students will have their photo taken during their Science classes on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Students will be in school uniforms for the photos. Students may come to school dressed in black in keeping with this time of mourning. For these students we will have uniform shirts on hand for students to wear for the photo and then they can change back into their black shirt.


October Break, Home Learning, and Assessments 

by Cindy Plantecoste, MS Dean of Academics

October break is a time for everyone to take advantage of some rest, relaxation and to spend time with their families. We also know that many families travel to far destinations during our week long holidays. For these reason, our teachers will not be assigning any home learning over the break. In addition, teachers will not plan for any assessment to take place on the Monday or Tuesday following our vacation.


Forward the Cure

By Tico Oms

 How many times have you thrown away unused medicine? That medicine could help a person with medical needs but without access to medicines. Please check out this short video of a campaign called “Forward The Cure” and share with your friends and family. It has never been easier to save a life. Simply clean out your medicine cabinets/drawers and drop off the medication at the ISB nurse’s office. Please don’t bring expired medicines. Those should be thrown away.

The medicines will then get packaged, checked and mailed to the hospital of Uhmpang and be on its way to save a life! Our 8th grade student Beam Lertbunnaphongs saw the video, thought the ISB community could help, and is organizing this initiative in conjunction with “Forward The Cure”. If you have any questions about this service project, please feel free to contact our nurse Sally Plomley at or the MS Dean of Students, Tico Oms at


Middle School Service Opportunities:

By Tico Oms

Students at ISB have many opportunities to make the world a better place. Our school offers a variety of service clubs students can join and make a positive impact. Last Tuesday, the middle school held its Service Assembly, showcasing the various clubs students can join. Linked here is a PowerPoint describing many of the clubs, and when and where they meet. Please encourage your child to participate in one of them. One of ISB’s goals is to Inspire Students To Become Global Caring Citizens. There are few better ways than service to accomplish that goal.


Sharing Athletic Gear

By Tico Oms

Middle School kids infamously outgrow their sports shoes quickly. 8th grader, Piamkhun Sititantikorn (Jedi), has started a campaign to get those outgrown shoes to kids who could use them. He has formed a relationship with the Prasert Islam school to help give their athletes shoes for their sports teams. We are collecting athletic shoes and gear (such as shin guards) to donate to the school’s athletes. Simply bring your used/outgrown sports shoes and equipment to the Middle School Administration Offices. We will collect the gear and give it to the Prasert Islam school’s athletic teams.


MS Parent Coffee Presentation

On Thursday, during our MS PTA Meeting, our MS counseling team and tech coordinator shared tips for keeping your child safe during play dates, sleepovers, hanging out with friends as well as ‘unsupervised time’.

We’ve linked the presentation here: Keeping your Tween Safe in Bangkok

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