International Day – Friday, November 18

International Day is a ‘hands-on’ learning day to celebrate ISB’s rich intercultural diversity. Many of our ES classrooms are ‘transformed’ by parents into country themed rooms so that our students can celebrate different cultures, food, dress, language, music, and geography throughout the day.

A few details for parents:

  • On International Day, students are welcome to dress representing their home country.
  • Students are invited to wear international t-shirts instead of their uniform or P.E. uniform in the week leading up to International Day.
  • International Day begins with an Assembly. Parents are welcome to join the Assembly, as we are gathering in Rajendra Hall and have space. Parents will need to be seated by 7:45AM SHARP – so that the Assembly can begin on time.

International Day Host Country Volunteers Needed!
We still need a few more volunteers to host country rooms!  It only takes a few hours of your time on this very special day.  Please contact Abbie Boudreaux and Katie Edsall at to volunteer!  Thank you!

About Tina

ES secretary
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