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HS Parent Teacher Conferences
Philip Bradley

Please note that High School Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Friday 7th  October, this is not an instructional day for students. Students are strongly encouraged to join their parents (uniforms are not required).

Conferences will be held in the HS Gym.
Session 1:        7:30 to 11:15
Lunch:            11:15 to 12:00
Session 2        12:00 to 14:30

Parent/Teacher conferences are NOT pre-booked. Rather parents queue to meet each teacher. The conference format works very well but does not allow for lengthy conversations, 5 minutes is typical. Arriving with specific questions is a good plan especially if you have a concern that needs to be addressed. If you require an in depth / follow-up discussion with a teacher, please make an appointment for another day. Session 2 is typically less busy, so if you have any flexibility, come after lunch; of course if everyone follows this suggestion it will be interesting!




GCW Update on Course Placements
Andy Vaughan
Grade 9-10 placements for GCW are nearly completed with Freshman completing sign ups last night. Placements on courses will be released to students next week on Thursday and emailed home by Friday.

Parent Permission and Payment slips will be sent home on 14 October, after being distributed in Advisory groups. Payments for GCW are due at the end of October.



Understanding Smart Phone Apps
Andy Vaughan

There is little doubt that the majority of our High School students spend a disproportionate amount of time on their Mobile Devices. As parents we have a role in guiding our children to navigate these devices wisely and in order to do this it is important that we understand the many applications that our children are using.

We were recently shared a great site that is a resource for parents and teachers to better understand the many applications that are available for Mobile Devices. The page is referenced below. There are a number of excellent applications that connect our children, however it also outlines a number that we should be wary of. We hope this is a useful site and we look forward to more parent sessions later in the year around this topic presented by our counselling team.



IB Examinations
Susan Canobie

Registration for IB Exams and payments for these exams for the  May 2017 session are coming up.

All Grade 12 and some Grade 11 students have received their IB exam registrations and associated invoices this week.  Parents and students are asked to check the course registration forms carefully, both for personal details and IB courses.  Students who are completing the second year in any IB course are expected to complete the course by sitting the IB examination, as detailed in our HS Program of Studies. Universities also expect students completing an IB program or course to have fulfilled all assessment requirements of the course, of which the examination is the culminating assessment.

Please note that invoices are payable to the cashier by Wednesday, 12th October.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



IB Dates and Deadlines
Susan Canobie

The link to the ISB Dates and Deadlines for IB Assignments for students sitting exams in May 2017 is here.  Please note that these dates may change as faculty need some degree of flexibility as they move through the courses.



Counseling News
Jennifer Melton

For all HS Parents – Two new books have been added to the ISB HS Counseling Library: Teach Your Children Well by Madeline Levine and The Complete Guide to the Gap Year by Kristin White. Stop by the counseling office to check these out and others.

Grade 12  Seniors met with their counselor on Monday for their second Senior Seminar.  We talked about the value of asking for help and reminded them of upcoming important dates and deadlines.  In addition, students took time to self-assess where they are in their classes and self-predict their IB grades.  Teachers will make IB predictions by mid-October.

Students with application deadlines later in the school year (Japan, Korea, Australia), were encouraged to continue focusing on doing their best academically. While students with university deadlines in the next few months were reminded of the following:

  • Teacher Recommendations– Students should have already completed these pink forms, returned them to their counselor for approval and then given them to their teachers.
  • Early Applications– Transcript request forms for universities with deadlines in November are due by October 7. Turning them in earlier is always helpful!
  • Transcript Requests– Requests for application documents (i.e. transcripts and letters of recommendation) from ISB for university deadlines between December and January are due by November 21.

On Tuesday, several students attended the UK Personal Statement Workshop. They were given helpful tips for writing their Personal Statement.

It continues to be a busy time for seniors!  As always, thank you for your support.

Grade 11 – 11th graders completed the pre-registration this past week for the PSAT. The test will take place during the morning on Wednesday, October 19. Any student not needing an ACT or SAT, should have already seen their counselor this week to complete an Opt Out form.

As we get further into the school year, students are faced with mounting workloads and assessments. As parents, you can help students to manage this and encourage them to find time for balance, and get a full night’s rest.

We look forward to seeing you on October 7 at conferences. Please remember to bring your student to conferences as it’s beneficial for the parent, student, and teacher to work together, especially as students are working toward independence and autonomy at university.

Grade 10 –  We encourage parents to keep track of the progress of their sons and daughters.  Looking on Powerschool once a week or so will help you to keep up to date on their performance and attitudes to learning.  (No need to look every day and add to the stress of your son or daughter.)  Seeing their progress in PowerSchool will help you in having conversations with their teachers in the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences next Friday, October 2nd.  The best starting point is the HAL (habits and attitudes to learning) mark for your son or daughter.  Ask the teacher to comment on that mark; it will be a good conversation starter.  Stop by and see your son or daughter’s counselor as well.  See you next Friday!

Grade 9 –  Students received a presentation from Mr. Vaughan (Dean of Students) on the process on signing up for Global Citizenship Week; many students had good questions for him. GCW sign ups were opened up to 9th Graders on Wednesday Evening.

There will be no Freshman Seminar now through October break. Until then Mr. Davy will using this time to try and meet with all 9th graders individually. The goal of this meeting is to check in to see how high school life has been up to this point in the year.

Students are reminded if they are in need of extra support with an area of study they are reminded that teachers should be available after school for extra assistance – except most Tuesdays when they have faculty meetings. In addition, we also have our very comfortable learning center space that students can drop into at anytime and get help from our support teachers.

Upcoming University Visits to ISB and greater Bangkok area (please click on link below):

International University Fair
Shangri-la Hotel
Saturday, October 1
3:45 to 5:45
Complete College Visit Calendar




The 22nd Annual Bangkok International Choir Festival (BICF)
Anthony Giles

THE 22nd ANNUAL BANGKOK INTERNATIONAL CHOIR FESTIVAL (BICF) will be held Friday and Saturday, October 7 and 8, 2016 and will feature ISB’s HS and MS choirs along with twelve other visiting choirs from as far away as Jakarta, Indonesia. Unique to this year’s festival will be the the addition of special guest group, the award winning Male Ensemble Northwest (listenhere), or M.E.N. as they are called. Join us for the M.E.N. Feature Concert* (200THB) on Friday, October 7 at 6:00pm in the Chevron Theatre and the BICF Gala Concert (FREE) featuring the 400 student MS and HS Massed Choir on Saturday, September 8 at 2:00 also in the Chevron Theatre.

*BICF participants will be given tickets for the Friday night M.E.N. Concert as part of their involvement with festival. Starting Wednesday, September 28 a limited number of tickets for the general public will be available for purchase at the MS/HS lunches in the ISB cafeteria, or by contacting Ms. Coleen Mann at


Panther Run Series Race #2 – October 1st
Derrick Quinet
The Panther Run Series is back this Saturday! It’s a 7:15am start time, with registration from 6:30am. Race number one featured over 200 runners and was a fantastic community event! This charitable run/race raises money and awareness for the Operation Smile Club at ISB. The cost is 200 BHT per adult and 100 BHT per student, and it’s a great opportunity to run with your family or race our cross country team. There is a 3km and a 5km option. Don’t miss race #2!

Sign up here to register for the Oct. 1 event: Panther Run Series Race #2

Athletics News, Spirit & Sports Pics on Flickr!

Thanks to everyone who came out for Spirit Night and to those of you who helped make it such an overwhelming success. Our boys and girls varsity volleyball teams both won the championship in our Friendship Tournament, and the there was fun, food, and a wonderfully festive atmosphere throughout.

You can view all our fantastic sports and spirit pics on the ISB Panthers Flickr Site.
You can keep up with all the ISB HS sports recaps, compliments of our nifty news reporter Talyann Sow,  HERE.



eNewsletter Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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