Traffic Updates: Drop off and Pick up

By: Mark Hevland, Head of Risk Management

Once inside the gates of ISB, traffic flow and safety is a concern that affects us all.  We appreciate that traffic can cause frustration and we are constantly trying to find ways to improve the situation. We thank you for your patience and ask everyone to remember our top priority, which is ensuring all students get to and from school safely.

You can support us in this by please adhering to the following requirement.

If you are coming to school by private vehicle, please ensure that students are dropped off quickly and promptly.  Vehicles are not allowed to wait for anyone to enter the school building and come back out again.  If you want to drop your children in class, please rather have your driver park in the main lot to wait for you. All vehicles found waiting at the curb will be asked to move and find a place to park in the main lot.  When parking in the lot, please do your best not to block other cars, and if it must be done, be prepared to move to allow vehicles to move in and out around you.

Should you have private drivers, please communicate this policy to them and remind them that once in the ISB gate, they need to follow the direction of our trained security team. We have been experiencing issues with drivers not moving when asked to do so by the guards and holding up traffic for everyone behind them.

Drivers and vehicles who repeatedly disregard these guidelines will no longer be allowed to enter the main gate.

Thank you for your understanding and continued effort to safeguard our students, staff, parents and community.

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