Adult Education Classes – Just around the corner!

By: Gabriela Alvarez Fourcade, ISB PTA Adult Education Coordinator

This program provides a wide variety of classes for all adults in our community. You don’t need to be an ISB parent…

If you love cooking (many different options), decorating cookies, dancing, painting, singing, digital photography, learning all about your iPhone, iPad or Mac, making candles, decoupage, doing yoga, Muay Thai, BJJ, tennis, woodworking, silver jewelry, languages or calligraphy… this is your chance to try them!

A detailed Class Catalogue is ready and posted on the link below. Have a look and mark your calendars!

You can also go directly to the Catalogue by just clicking here:

Online Registration starts this Monday Sep 19th 7 AM. In the same link ( you will find a special link to sign up for as many classes as you wish.

You will also find further detailed information in the second page of the Class Catalogue.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions you may have.

Gabriela Alvarez Fourcade
ISB PTA Adult Education Coordinator



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