Our first Spirit Night of the year is Friday, September 23rd starting about 4 pm. The Junior Varsity and Varsity soccer & volleyball teams will be playing games. There will be lots of action, food and some special entertainment for the whole family. The soccer and volleyball games will continue through Saturday.
The Booster Spirit Tent will be selling drinks, food and spirit items both Friday and Saturday. Please sign up for a shift via the link below if you can help! You can also sign up to bring some baked goods.
Come out in your Black & Gold colours and have some fun! Contact Karen Mitchell at karenmitchell@mac.com for more information or sign up here.
Booster Hut Tshirts for sale in the ES on Thursday, September 22.
Friday September 23 is Black and Gold Day for the whole school! Please visit the Hub Terrace on Thursday September 22 between 12:00 and 3:00 to purchase an ES student sized T-shirt. Let’s show school spirit and wear black and gold on Friday! Please contact Trudi Carleson at trudi.carleson@gmail.com
+66-89-924-5306 M
+66-2-960-3518 H