HS Counseling Office Volunteers Needed

Do you have what it takes to be a HS Counseling Office Volunteer?

The answer is YES!  The HS Office is looking for about 10 parents to assist with maintaining the College Library, updating the ‘College of the Week’ notice boards, and other various initiatives within the counseling office.  If you’d like to be involved, please can you fill out your contact details at this link and one of the HS counseling team will contact you.

HS PTA meeting next Thursday:

HS PTA Parent Meeting on September 22, at 6:30 pm in the MPB2. Agenda coming soon. We hope to see all parents there!

HS Principal’s Forum:

Do you have questions, comments, concerns about what is happening in the HS?  If you would like your issue to be considered by Mr. Bradley and his admin team in our October 20th meeting, please submit it by email to hsppforum@isb.ac.th, by October 5th.  Your name will not be shared.  We’d love to hear what you’ve been thinking about these first few weeks of school and your concerns and questions for the next few months!

Here we are!

dsc_7053-3Grab us in the halls at ISB or email us if you need us!
Rebecca Armstrong and Vartika Bawa
HS PTA Representatives


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